Stop Asking for Permission

Stop Asking for Permission

Have you ever had a life-changing moment? I have. And it wasn't in the way I'd hoped it would be…

My life changing moment came years ago whenever my manager wouldn't answer a question for me. I kept going to and asking him,

What should I do with this? What should I do? What should I do?

I felt rather dejected in the moment, but his rejection and refusal to answer my question changed the course of my career and my life. This was one of my life changing moments because his short, abrupt words of, “Go figure it out!” told me, “Ellory, you can do this yourself.”

You don't need permission, so stop asking

Several years ago, I was faced with a question. I thought I knew the answer, but wanted either affirmation, confirmation, or both. So, I went in search for an answer.

The first person I hoped to ask was my partner in the business deal. He'd been in the business for longer than me, and we both had skin in the game, so I wanted to get his advice on the matter. Unfortunately, his phone went to voicemail.

I waited an hour and called him back. Voicemail.

So, I moved on. The second person I decided to check in with was my boss. I tracked him down, explained the situation, and asked, “What should I do?”

After dodging my question multiple times, I finally took the hint, went back to my desk, and did what I thought I should have done three hours ago.

Now, I consider myself a pretty smart guy. I've had many successes and several achievements in my life. So why was I sitting here asking someone else for permission to take charge and succeed?

I started to wonder, if I could do it by myself, if I can make a decision on my own, and implement a solution on my own, why was I asking permission?

While this is one example, at one time, with one person, at one job, I believe  it applies to you in your world and at whatever we're doing.

In your own life what is it you have the power to do, but are waiting for someone else to give you permission?

I hope you realize you have all the power you need in order to do something different. You already have what it takes to make a change. You don't need permission.

In my story, after being told to “Go figure it out,” I started to take control over my own successes. I started implementing my ideas on my own, and, instead of asking permission, I updated my partner and my boss on the results. After I realized I was empowered to win, I became unstoppable.

A year later, I was awarded the Sales Rep of the Year. Out of 150 people in my department, which does $2 Billion a year in revenue, I was recognized as being “the best.”

Was I actually better than everyone else was?

Maybe. But I think it had more to do with the fact that I took ownership of my success, made the decision to take control over my thoughts and behaviors, and went after my goals. I realized I didn't need permission to succeed (and neither do you!).

I saw what I wanted and went after it. The award was simply the world affirming what I already knew – only I stood in my way of success.

I didn't need permission.

Change Your Day

Don't wait to be told you can, or should, change your thoughts, habits or behaviors.

Your habits and the thoughts you have today will directly affect the results of tomorrow.

Don't know where to start? Change your day by going to bed thirty minutes earlier tonight and getting up an hour earlier tomorrow to work toward your goals.

Change Your Week

You have fifty-two weeks in a year. If you wait to change until next week, you've already given up 4% of your year. All of a sudden, you look up and six months have gone by. If you get up an hour earlier each day this week, you've got, you guessed it, seven more hours of productivity added to achieving your goals.

Change Your Life

As Jeff Olson described in his book, The Slight Edge, small changes lead to big results. If you get up an hour earlier each day for a year, you will have over 21,000 minutes of added productivity, reading, listening, or goal setting you didn't have before.

You don't start on the finish line; you start where you are (TWEET THAT!)

You don't need anyone to give you permission. You don't even have to ask.

Question: Have you been waiting for someone else to say it's okay to go after success? Are you looking for someone to say, “Go after it!”? I'm saying it now. What will you do next?


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