129 Blog Post Ideas to Help You Get Started

129 Blog Post Ideas to Help You Get Started

Great bloggers write epic content. They provide resources, tips, and tools that help their readers. They've found the formula that mixes personal stories with professional.

But coming up with ideas for new content can be a struggle. Like your bicep, creativity is a muscle, the more you use it and the more you put it to the test, the stronger it will become.

129 Blog Post Ideas

Over the past few years, I've collected a list of blog post ideas. Some are very specific and include titles, outlines, and even resources to reference. Other ideas are concepts and theories that I haven't yet tested or explored.

Every business should have a blog. Even if starting a business isn't your goal, blogging is an excellent way to build a reputation online and eventually start a business.

But, as necessary as blogging can be, it can be equally as difficult to do. If I can help you blog with more frequency and regularity, write with more passion and conviction, and give you the voice your message deserves, I'll sleep better tonight.

Before I share the 129 blog post ideas to help you get started, here are some other great resources to check out to help you come up with additional blog post topic ideas:

The goal isn't to reinvent the wheel when it comes to your online platform. Your goal should be to provide the most relevant and useful content for your readers. Sometimes that means tools; sometimes that means sharing about your personal life so people can get to know you.
Learn How to Start a Blog

  1. # Toxic Behaviors that Kill [Insert Your Topic]
  2. Signs it's Time to Move on From Your [Insert Your Topic]
  3. How to Find an [Insert Your Topic] Group
  4. What to Write About: An Analysis of 10 Top Bloggers
  5. Productivity Hacks for [Insert Your Topic]ers
  6. # Ways You Can Use [Insert Your Favorite Tool] For Your [Insert Your Topic]
  7. How to Design Your Life Around [Insert Your Topic]
  8. Share your life story
  9. # Free Tools to Help You Build Your [Insert Your Topic] Business
  10. # [Insert Topic-Related] Apps that Give You ___
  11. # [Insert Your Topic] Tools That Allow You to ___
  12. # Books that Shaped My Past and Created My Future
  13. 8 Questions that Will Help You ___
  14. Ask Me Anything: # Questions I Get Asked All the Time
  15. How to Get the Right People to ___
  16. How to Cut Through the Noise and Establish Yourself as an Authority in [Insert Your Topic]
  17. The 3 Phases of an [Insert Your Topic] Business's Growth
  18. The 3 Major Reasons I Won/Loss/Failed
  19. Popular Tools/Services for [Insert Your Topic] Business
  20. # Traits of Successful People
  21. Why You Shouldn't Use an ebook as your opt-in
  22. Why I'm Segmenting My Email List (And How You Can Do the Same)
  23. Why I'm ___ing in My Business and Why You Should Do the Same
  24. Why I'm ___in to Grow my Blog/Business/Following and How You Can Do the Same
  25. # Things that Ultimately Waste Our Time
  26. # Steps to Maximizing Your Impact
  27. # Reasons You're Not Achieving Your Goals
  28. List the Top Benefits of ___
  29. The Top # Resources for [Insert Your Topic]
  30. # Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Join Toastmasters
  31. Is Your Website Running Slow? Here Are # Ways to Fix It
  32. How to Find the Perfect Balance Between ___ and ___ for Success
  33. Do a case study and blog about your results
  34. The Only 2 Things You'll Ever Need to Know About [Insert Your Topic]
  35. How to Use the ___ App to Improve Your ___
  36. Why You Should Host Your Blog Yourself
  37. Why I Chose to Create my Community on Facebook
  38. Share a Personal Story About a Specific/Milestone Event
  39. # Free Ways You Can Support other People
  40. Why People Say, “[Insert Industry Phrase]” and Why it Matters to You
  41. Why I Chose to Sign-up for ___ And You Should Too
  42. Why Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone is So Important
  43. The Beginner's Guide to ___
  44. What I Would Do Differently with My ___ and Why
  45. The Crazy Thing About ___
  46. How to Find Your Purpose in Life
  47. Why Your ___ Needs a ___
  48. Life's Top 10 ___
  49. # Crazy Online Businesses You Wouldn't Believe Existed
  50. How You Can Start a/an ___ for $___ or Less
  51. The # Best Resources I Recommend for ___ (and Why I Use Them)
  52. Digital Book Templates You Can Use Today
  53. # Reasons Why ___ Products Should Be Part of Your Portfolio (and # Reasons Why They Shouldn't)
  54. How to Leverage Your Expertise into a Side Hustle
  55. # Reasons Everyone Should Have an [Insert Your Topic] Business
  56. Top # Barriers to Building an [Insert Your Topic] Business
  57. How to Transfer Your Offline Skills Into an Online Business
  58. # Lessons I've Learned from My Journey
  59. Life Story: What Happened When I Decided to ___
  60. How to Use ___ to ___
  61. How to Choose Which Idea You Should Focus on First
  62. How to Take Care of Your Email List
  63. How to Turn 40 Years of Work into 4 Years of Hustle
  64. Why ___ are Bad for [Insert Your Topic] Business (and # Alternatives)
  65. # Types of ___ You Can Use For Your [Insert Your Topic] Business
  66. How You Can Begin Overcoming Self-Doubt
  67. How to Increase Your Self-Belief and Decrease Your Self-Doubt
  68. Want to Accomplish Something? Stop ___
  69. Why Leaders Should Be Like ___, Not ___
  70. How to Start Thinking Like an [Insert Your Topic] Entrepreneur
  71. How to Successfully Transition from ___ to ___
  72. 3 Part Blog Series – How to ___
  73. The Hard Truth About ___
  74. How to Get the Most Out of Your ___
  75. # Reasons You Should Stop ___
  76. # Social Media Strategies to Help Boost Your [Insert Your Topic]
  77. # Ways to Add Value to Your Network
  78. # Ways to Build & Strengthen Your Network
  79. Churning through the daily 8-5
  80. How to Deal with ___
  81. How to Find ___ in Your ___
  82. ___ vs. ___: A Definitive Review
  83. ___ vs. ___: Which One is Best for Beginners?
  84. Pet Peeves – X Things That Piss Me Off
  85. That's Just the Way I Am – Can People Change?
  86. Are you Wearing That? The Impact Of Your Appearance on Your ___
  87. # Organization Tips for a Successful [Insert Your Topic] Business
  88. # Reasons Why ___ Hasn't Changed in Over ___ Years and What We Should Do About it
  89. # Reasons Why ___ Hasn't Changed in ___ Years and Why that's Ok
  90. Is what you're working on worth your life?
  91. Pat Flynn, Austin Powers, and the mystery of business
  92. # Secrets to Successful & Effective ___
  93. Train or Trade: How to Build an Effective [Insert Your Topic] Team
  94. What's on your don't list?
  95. My Path to Becoming ___
  96. Survey your readers and share the results
  97. Why Being ___ Is a Good Thing
  98. 3 Reasons ___ are Worthless
  99. Increase your team's think power
  100. Transitioning Your [Insert Your Topic] from Eh to Awesome
  101. 3 feet from gold
  102. Get Started Guide
  103. What is a lack of clarity keeping you from achieving?
  104. Why the Most Successful ___ ___ Before They ___
  105. # Reasons Why ___ is Overrated
  106. How to Be ___ and ___ as a ___
  107. Want to be more/less ___? Stop ___
  108. Get Started With ___
  109. How to Become an Expert at ___
  110. How to Become an Expert at ___: # Must-Have Resources
  111. The Days of ___ are Over. Here's What You Should Do Instead
  112. Audience Q&A
  113. # Ways to Sound ___ than You Really Are
  114. The Power of ___ and How to Apply it to Your ___
  115. Why You Should Stop Trying to ___ in Your ___
  116. Why You Should Want Someone Who ___ On Your Team
  117. What if Today Was the Day You Decided to ___
  118. Why you should stop ___
  119. How I Save ___ by ___
  120. # Quick Tip for [Insert Your Topic] Success
  121. # Reasons Why You're too ___ For Your ___ and What You Can Do to Fix it
  122. Stop ___, Start ___
  123. If You're Not ___, You're Doing it Wrong
  124. How to Eliminate ___ and Live a Happier, ___ Life
  125. Overcoming the Fear of ___: # Steps to ___
  126. Why ___ is Bad for Your ___ and What to Do About It
  127. Why Everyone Needs a ___ and Why
  128. The Top Bloggers/Podcasters/YouTubers to Watch in [Insert Your Topic]
  129. X Up and Coming Bloggers/Podcasters/YouTubers to Watch out for in [Insert Your Topic]

Haven't started your blog yet? Click here to see how you can get started!

Feel free to use as many of these as you want. Or, bookmark this page (hit Ctrl+D) and come back to it! If you use one of these topics as the inspiration for a future book, blog post, podcast episode, video, etc., please let me know! I would love to check it out and see how you took a tiny idea and made it into something awesome.

Ready to grow your blog in ? Then check out my free 30 Day Blog Transformation email course!

Remember, your audience wants to know the tools you use. They want a “behind-the-curtain” or “behind-the-scenes” look at what you do and how you do it. You'll get everything you want out of life by helping others get what they want out of life. And, it can all start with your blog!

Lastly, if you'd like to see what kind of blog topics I could come up for you, leave your URL and the theme/topic of your blog in a comment below. I'll take a look at your site and respond to your comment with 3-5 blog topic ideas to help give you a boost!


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    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Jimmy! Thanks for commenting; you’ve got a great site with tons of helpful stuff already.

      Scrolling through your /blog page I’d really like to see a list of resources to help writers. Here are a couple examples:

      1: # Tools to Make You a Better Writer
      2: # Places Where You Can Connect with Other Writers
      3: How to Use [Insert Your Favorite Tool] to Help You Write/Sell More Books – or-
      4: How to Use [Insert Your Favorite Tool] to Help You Become a Better Writer

      You may have those tucked away somewhere, but if you don’t, those would be great reads! If you do, highlight them on your sidebar so they’re easy for new visitors to find.

      Great site Jimmy Burgess!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Jimmy!

      If you’re still blogging, I’ve got a writing challenge you might be interested in =)

      Head over to http://www.ellorywells.com/challenge for details and to enter. I hope you’ll join us!

  • Donald C. Kelly says:

    http://www.thesalesevangelist.com Any thoughts for me Ellory?

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Donald! My man =) It looks like you’ve been mainly focusing on podcasts, which is great.

      I’d love to see:

      1: # Advanced Sales Techniques that Will Help You Maximize Profit
      2: Cold Calling Sucks: How to Get Your Foot in the Door
      3: # Major Mistakes New Sellers Make (and How to Avoid Them)
      4 # Sales Tips I’ve Learned After Selling Over $___
      5: What I Learned About Selling After Losing a $___ Deal

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Justin! Before we get to the blog post ideas, please make a tweak that’ll really help your SEO.

      1: Log into your WP dashboard.
      2: Go to Settings and Permalinks
      3: Change the structure to the one that says Post Name and has “http://www.thecarflip.com/sample-post/
      4: Click “Save”

      Ok, now to the fun stuff. Your blog looks pretty new, so here’s where I’d start.

      1: Top # Things to Watch Out for When Buying a Used Car
      2: Domestic vs Foreign: Which Cars Are Best for Flipping
      3: The # Major Things Costing You Money When Flipping Cars
      4: The # Worst Cars for Flipping
      5: # Reasons Why Flipping Cars Should Be on Everyone’s To-Do List
      6: How I Got into Flipping Cars, and How You Can Too

      How’s that for a start? If you write one of those, post a comment and let me know!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Justin!

      If you’re still blogging, I’ve got a writing challenge you might be interested in =)

      Head over to http://www.ellorywells.com/challenge for details and to enter. I hope you’ll join us!

  • James Kinson says:

    Hi Ellory, the ideas you listed are awesome. I wondered if you might help me since I have a very niched topic. I help people buy cars they can truly afford, by which I mean pay cash. Any help you could provide would be much appreciated! http://cashcarconvert.com

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey James! Another fellow podcast, I love it!

      Looking over your site it’s hard to tell if you have blog posts by themselves or just podcast episodes connected show notes. If you do have blog posts, you may want to throw a link up in your top menu so they’re easy to find.

      Here are a few topic ideas:

      1: The # Ways Paying Cash for Your Cars Helps You Live Happier and Healthier
      2: Car Loans: The Silent Killer
      3: Share your story (did a car loan burn you and scar you for life?)
      4: # Resources Where You Can Find Quality Cash Cars
      5: 6 Must-Have Tips Before You Buy Your Next Car (I know it’s similar to your opt-in, but re-purposing is key!)

      Good luck!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey James!

      If you’re still blogging, I’ve got a writing challenge you might be interested in =)

      Head over to http://www.ellorywells.com/challenge for details and to enter. I hope you’ll join us in August!

  • Hi Ellory – Wonderful treasure trove of ideas- Thank you

    Appreciate the opportunity to have you take a look at my little corner of the world .. looking forward to your ideas and feedback..

    Nancy Bouwens

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Nancy! Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a comment! It looks like you have two overlapping sites. Not sure, but you should be able to combine them into one, if you want, through a WordPress import/export. That may lead to less work for you.

      Since you’ve been blogging for a few years ( it looks like you started in 2011), you may already have a few of these, but here are a few thoughts.

      1: # Ways You Can Streamline Your Life and Live Simply
      2: # Times When I Had to Slow Down, Breath Deep, and Enjoy Life
      3: Have a Dream That’s Just Out of Reach? Here’s How to Grab it
      4: The Top # Blogs To Help You Live Simply
      5: How to Live with Less and Still Live Happy

      I hope that gets you going Nancy! Also, try tweaking your “Popular Posts” section on your sidebar. That’s a great place to showcase not only popular posts, but what you want people to look at.

      Keep it up!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Nancy!

      If you’re still blogging, I’ve got a writing challenge you might be interested in =)

      Head over to http://www.ellorywells.com/challenge for details and to enter. I hope you’ll join us!

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