Better Than You Think You Are
Last week I was talking to a client of mine named Michelle. She had recently attended a conference out of state.
While at this conference, Michelle was supposed to sit, observe, and learn from the instructor who everyone had come to see.
Over the course of a few days, Michelle started to notice that her work was almost as good at that of the instructor. Boy was she surprised!
Here she was, having spent hundreds of dollars to go across the country to attend an intense workshop to help her improve her skills, only to realize that she was almost as good as everyone believed the teacher to be.
I've been working with Michelle for a couple of months now. On more than one occasion she's mentioned to me the possibility of starting her own workshop and teaching people in her community about how to paint better (she's an excellent artist).
Each time we talk about it, Michelle says, “maybe someday.”
How often do you and I do the same thing?
How often do we judge ourselves as not talented enough, not skilled enough, or not educated enough?
What I've found is that we deem ourselves “unworthy” because of the self-doubt we carry around on a daily basis.
And the really successful people we look up to?
They're not successful because they've conquered their fears, they're just the ones who've been able to act in spite of them.
I'm coaching Michelle to work through her fears and helping her realize she's better than she thinks she is. I'd love to coach you too!
You're better than you think you are. I know it!
This happened with me. I was doing cakes and many told me to do my own thing but fear stopped me dead in my tracks.