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Category Archives for "Blogging"

12 Essential Tools for Your Startup Business

essential business tools 2020

Updated April 2, 2020. While much of the content remains mostly the same, most of the tool recommendations have changed. When I first wrote this, I’d just begun my online business journey. Now I’ve been in the world of online entrepreneurship for almost 7 years. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to business school. […]

Blog Post SEO Checklist [Free Download]

boost seo checklist

Are you creating great content but wondering why you’re not getting more traffic? If that sounds familiar, you might have a few gaps in your SEO efforts. Whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, YouTuber or another type of business owner, search engine optimization can bring your more traffic, increase your visitors, and help your products show […]

Why I Keep Coming Back to Blogging

why I keep coming back to blogging

I’ve been writing professionally for over six years. In that time, my content, my writing style, my interests, and my business have changed dramatically. In 2013, I started a podcast. A couple of years after that, I started putting videos on YouTube. In this post, I predicted that Periscope would change the world. I’ve bought […]

Why People Listen to Podcasts

why people listen to podcasts

Podcasting is a big deal. Over the last decade, the number of podcast listeners has increased steadily, with double-digit growth each year. Podcasting is a powerful tool, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. The question is, Why do people listen to podcasts? Want to listen? There’s an audio version below In the middle […]

Writing Challenge Day 1: What to Expect

writing challenge day 1 what to expect

Have you ever accepted a challenge without knowing whether or not you’d be able to finish? Or worse, have you ever proposed a challenge not knowing if you could lead the way? That’s what I’ve done this August. Today marks the first day of the 31-day Writing Challenge. And, I’m not sure I’ll be able […]

10 Things No One Will Tell You About Starting a Business

10 things no one will tell you about starting a business

These days it seems everyone is calling themselves an “entrepreneur.” There’s a lot of talk about leaving your job, following your dreams, making money while you sleep, and living with passion. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Each of those things is fantastic. But, there are a lot of things aspiring-entrepreneurs AREN’T hearing, […]

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