When I started CigarScore in December of 2018, I only had a rough idea of how I’d monetize the platform. I knew I wanted to sell upgraded listings and advertising, but I didn’t yet have a marketing plan or a strategy I could put in place. Want to listen? There’s an audio version (with BONUS […]
Updated April 2, 2020. While much of the content remains mostly the same, most of the tool recommendations have changed. When I first wrote this, I’d just begun my online business journey. Now I’ve been in the world of online entrepreneurship for almost 7 years. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to business school. […]
When it comes to effective content marketing, it’s great knowing what types of content to create and things you should do to maximize the impact of your efforts. However, it’s also important to understand what not to do and what to avoid. Having the right ingredients can spur experimentation, but without knowing what you should […]
Would you like to get featured on more media as an expert? If you were interviewed on TV as a leader in copywriting, email marketing, or healthy eating, what would that do for your brand and business? Like most business owners, if you’ve ever wondered how to get publicity for your brand or business, read […]
I bet you’ve got some really good ideas for your business. I’d even bet that many of them are great ideas! So, with so many, how do prioritize your ideas and know which ones to pursue, which ones to save for later, and which ideas deserve to be taken out back behind the shed and […]
The other day, I walked into the hospital where my wife works. I was going to pick her up for dinner. While waiting in the lounge area, I noticed a huge TV with page after page of hundreds of doctors who saw patients at that hospital. And, after each name were the initials, M.D. The […]
Finding the right host for your new business’ website can be a daunting task. There are tons of choices out there, and finding the “right one” can be a challenge. When I first started, I went with the cheapest option. Then I moved to the popular option. It wasn’t until nearly five years of doing […]
Have you ever wondered why companies like Clinique ask visitors to take the skin type quiz? Ever thought about why bloggers, podcasters, and other entrepreneurs are offering free online “assessments?” In each of these examples, businesses are using quizzes to grow their email list. And today, I’m going to share how you can do it […]
How would you like to be at the helm of one of the fastest growing companies in the world? Today, let’s learn from some of the fastest growing, super-growth companies and apply some of their strategies and techniques to our businesses where we can. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below After doing my […]
Have you ever reached a point where you didn’t know where to go or what to do next in your business? Have you ever stalled and struggled to figure out your next right step? I recently got to share my experience with plateau-busting in David Durham’s Rocket Entrepreneur Summit, and I wanted to share what […]
Wow, I cannot believe it’s already Thanksgiving 2017. I mean, wasn’t it like, yesterday, that we were celebrating New Years? Wow… Alright, let’s get to the topic at hand: Black Friday Deals on ellorywells.com. Here is a little blurb about the offers, so you can decide if they’re worth your time or not. Inbox SecretsThis training is […]
The hardware and software you choose to power your business tech stack are a big deal. Choose right, and you’re set up for future growth and expansion and scalability. Choose wrong, and, at best, you’re out a bit of money and a few weeks of time and energy. At worst, you’re out thousands of dollars, […]
There are so many WordPress hosting companies out there, finding the right one these days is a difficult task. Which hosting company is best? Do I need to pay more? What’s the difference between this company and that one? Want to listen? There’s an audio version below While those questions are all good ones, and […]
This is part 12 of a series of 12 lessons I’ve learned about life and entrepreneurship over the past few years of building a successful online business. I hope you click here and start from the very beginning. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below 12 Lessons I’ve Learned from My Journey 12: […]
If you try to market your products to everyone, your message will fall on deaf ears. But, if you learn how to identify your target market, learn what they need and what motivates them, you can target them with amazing efficiency. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Stop trying to market your products […]