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Category Archives for "Grow Your Business"

How to Market Your Products & Make More Money

how to market products make more money

When I started CigarScore in December of 2018, I only had a rough idea of how I’d monetize the platform. I knew I wanted to sell upgraded listings and advertising, but I didn’t yet have a marketing plan or a strategy I could put in place. Want to listen? There’s an audio version (with BONUS […]

12 Essential Tools for Your Startup Business

essential business tools 2020

Updated April 2, 2020. While much of the content remains mostly the same, most of the tool recommendations have changed. When I first wrote this, I’d just begun my online business journey. Now I’ve been in the world of online entrepreneurship for almost 7 years. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to business school. […]

How to Use Quizzes To Grow Your Email List and Send Personalized Emails

how to use quizzes to grow your email list

Have you ever wondered why companies like Clinique ask visitors to take the skin type quiz? Ever thought about why bloggers, podcasters, and other entrepreneurs are offering free online “assessments?” In each of these examples, businesses are using quizzes to grow their email list. And today, I’m going to share how you can do it […]

Some Black Friday Deals to Help Your Business Grow

black friday deals

Wow, I cannot believe it’s already Thanksgiving 2017. I mean, wasn’t it like, yesterday, that we were celebrating New Years? Wow… Alright, let’s get to the topic at hand: Black Friday Deals on ellorywells.com. Here is a little blurb about the offers, so you can decide if they’re worth your time or not. Inbox SecretsThis training is […]

My Small Business Tech Stack

my small business tech stack hardware software

The hardware and software you choose to power your business tech stack are a big deal. Choose right, and you’re set up for future growth and expansion and scalability. Choose wrong, and, at best, you’re out a bit of money and a few weeks of time and energy. At worst, you’re out thousands of dollars, […]

How to Identify Your Target Market

target market your product

If you try to market your products to everyone, your message will fall on deaf ears. But, if you learn how to identify your target market, learn what they need and what motivates them, you can target them with amazing efficiency. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Stop trying to market your products […]

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