While I was working in Corporate America, I wrote the article you’ll find below. It has never been published before today. It has sat, as a draft, since March of 2012, just 3 months after I first began blogging. Now, exactly 3 years and 6 months to the day after I got fired from my […]
Being an entrepreneur and starting a business is one of the greatest things you can do. Entrepreneurs, and the businesses they start, create amazing new products, provide revolutionary solutions to real world problems, and alter the course of history. If you want to change the world, become an entrepreneur and start a business. Over the […]
Over the past several years, I’ve had conversations with thousands of entrepreneurs at all points along the spectrum of success. From people with just a hint of an idea to successful multi-millionaires. During this time, I have learned so much about dedication, perseverance, surrounding yourself with the right people, and staying focused on the goal. […]
Motivation is cheap. Posters of eagles and encouraging statements and slogans like “aim for the moon and if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars” are a dime a dozen. What people need is not motivation. What they, what we need is real help to do something that matters. Want to listen? There’s an audio version […]
Sameness. Background noise. Irrelevant. Ignored. These words slap me in the face and terrify me as an entrepreneur. Like the “emo” kids and “goths” of yesteryear, we’re all trying to be different, but we all look the same. Let me explain. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Trying to Be Human Just a […]
Think blogging is “old-school” or irrelevant in today’s fast-paced culture? Have you dismissed having a blog for your business as a waste of time? If you have, maybe it’s time to reconsider short-form writing as a way to market your business and as a crucial part of your business’s marketing strategy. Here’s why… I’m a […]
The ideal work environment doesn’t exist. It’s a myth. The best we can do is create a place where we can focus, collaborate, and get the support and accountability we need to succeed. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below When I wrote my original post about the ideal work environment, my goal was to […]
Episode 94 of the Empowered Podcast features life coach, speaker, blogger, podcaster and philanthropist, Valerie Groth. If you want to become a coach, but don’t know how to get started, or, you want to charge for your services, but don’t know how to price them, this episode is for you! Today, Valerie shares how she got started […]
Episode 87 of the Empowered Podcast features speaker, author and coach, Dale Thomas Vaughn. Today you’ll hear about the power of purpose and how finding yours will throw fuel on the fire of your success. Thank Dale for being on the show! Dale’s Mission: To help men discover what they want from their lives & to empower […]
Mastermind groups are used by the ultra-successful to help them become even more successful. If you’re wondering how to start a mastermind group of your own, this 5-part series will show you how to do it! … Are you trying to do something different with your life, but feel like you’ve hit a wall with […]
Think and Grow Rich is one of the few books I’ve read more than once. In fact, I’ve read it multiple times. Despite being nearly 80 years old, Napoleon Hill’s book still holds true. In fact, Think and Grow Rich may even be more relevant today that it was when it was written during the late 1920s. The […]
Episode 79 of the Empowered Podcast is all about the books that shape our pasts and create our futures. Inspired by the amount of wisdom found in the 80-year-old book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, I set out to find the other books that have made a significant impact on who I am today. I […]
Episode 67 of the Empowered Podcast is all about directing our energy toward something that matters. We look at the misplaced passion people place in professional sports, as well as the excuses we come up with for not living a fulfilled life. The next 30 minutes aren’t for the faint of heart or the weak willed. […]
When I set out to be an online entrepreneur I imagined all the glamorous things. Living on the beach, traveling the world, making more money than I could spend, and making a difference with what I know. Maybe you’ve had the same thoughts. Visions of life outside the confines of your cubicle. Dreams of impacting […]
Episode 56 of the Empowered Podcast features professional blogger, leadership expert and video game guru, Jon Harrison. Jon and I met a few years ago when he was blogging about leadership and personal development. Recently, however, he changed topics. He realized his passion was for vintage and classic video games. He asked himself how he […]