Updated April 2, 2020. While much of the content remains mostly the same, most of the tool recommendations have changed. When I first wrote this, I’d just begun my online business journey. Now I’ve been in the world of online entrepreneurship for almost 7 years. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to business school. […]
The hardware and software you choose to power your business tech stack are a big deal. Choose right, and you’re set up for future growth and expansion and scalability. Choose wrong, and, at best, you’re out a bit of money and a few weeks of time and energy. At worst, you’re out thousands of dollars, […]
Most of us, most of the time, operate based on our habits. Many of the things we do each day are things we do because we’ve done them that way for so long we don’t even think about it. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below We put our brains on autopilot, we do […]
Evernote, I’m done with you. I’ve had it. I’m moving on. I started using you six years ago, and you help me sync and store over 1100 notes in more than a dozen notebooks. I’ve talked about the power of using you several times here on my blog, but now I’m done. Want to listen? There’s an […]
Do you own your business, or do you really just own your job? Do you love what you do, but keep asking “How do I grow my business beyond “it’s just me?” Starting your own business can be hard. Growing it can be even harder. Today on the Ellory Wells Show, you’ll get to sit in […]
Building a business can be tough, and it’s not always rainbows and sunshine. If you’re not surrounded by people who will encourage you, it’s easy to fall out of love with your business and get in a funk. But there’s a way to bounce back! Today on the Ellory Wells Show, you’ll hear two powerful stories. […]
Have you been blessed with the ability to step back and see the big picture? Do you have a knack for measuring milestones and plotting the path forward? If so, you may, conversely, struggle with focusing on the specific tasks needed to make things happen. If you’re a big picture thinker and are good at […]
Stop it! Stop waiting around, waiting for the right time or for when you’re ready, and start doing. So many people fail before they even get started. They stay in one place and assume that one day they’ll get a feeling that will let them know it’s time to take the next step. Screw your […]
Today marks the first official episode of the Ellory Wells Show. You’ll hear from a few of my friends and clients, and I’ll share a project I started to help me stay connected with people I need to get to know better. Plus, I’ll show you how to do it too. I’m Ellory Wells and […]
Episode 100. The final curtain call of the Empowered Podcast features professional blogger, podcaster, social media expert and work-life balance guru, Erik Fisher from Beyond the To Do List. Being an entrepreneur is tough. And, becoming an entrepreneur, or transitioning to a “full-time” entrepreneur can be even tougher. Today, Erik and I discuss how to […]
Episode 99 of the Empowered Podcast features author, speaker, writing coach and my friend, Jimmy Burgess. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book (and who hasn’t) this episode will show you how. From time management tips, to writing formats and formulas, to the strategy you can use to become a #1 bestseller, this episode […]
Don’t you wish you could start your own business without having to pay tons of money to get started? When I first started my online business, I tried to do things on the cheap. I built my own landing pages, piece-mealed together my own email autoresponders, and tried to grow my business without spending more […]
Episode 96 of the Empowered Podcast conversion rate and website optimization expert, Alex Harris. Today you’ll hear how Alex was able to make the transition from his day job to full-time business owner and entrepreneur after getting laid off from his dot com job almost 15 years ago. We’ll discuss how you can develop an exit strategy to […]
Time is the most valuable resource we have. As a business owner, it’s important to focus on doing things that help build your business like helping customers, acquiring new ones, and doing the day-to-day tasks that move things forward. Want to Listen? There’s an audio version below =) But there are certain things you should […]
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways any business can communicate with future and existing customers. Even with the increasing popularity of social media, email isn’t going anywhere. Regardless of the size or type of business you have, you’ll want to keep in touch with your contacts. Email marketing allows business owners, bloggers, […]