CY12: When Doing the Right Thing Isn't Enough

CY12: When Doing the Right Thing Isn’t Enough

Choose Yourself Podcast Ellory WellsWelcome to the Choose Yourself podcast!

I'm your host, Ellory Wells.

This podcast will help motivate and inspire you to choose yourself as the master of your own destiny and the architect of your success.

Sometimes doing the right thing is doing the bare minimum. If all we do, and all we ask of those we lead, is to do the right thing, that is often not enough. Our competitors in business, our competitors in sports and in life, are often going above and beyond.

No champion will ever say, or has ever said, that all they did were the right things.

Champions say things like,

I came in early and stayed late.

and things like

I pushed myself further than I ever have before.

Doing the right thing is simply the ticket to entry.



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