CY17: The Myth of Work-life Balance

CY17: The Myth of Work-life Balance

Choose Yourself Podcast Ellory WellsWelcome to the Choose Yourself podcast!

I'm your host, Ellory Wells.

This podcast will help motivate and inspire you to choose yourself as the master of your own destiny and the architect of your success.

The Myth of Work-life balance, the idea of balancing your personal and your professional life and the time to devote to each, seems to be that goal that's always just over the horizon, always just out of reach.

I'm no expert and I often struggle to create a better balance.

In this episode, I share a couple of things I've worked on to assist me, as well as two ways I've worked to improve my work-life balance.


Resources Mentioned:

  • None this time; hope that's ok =)

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