CY32: Perfect Products Still Don't Sell Themselves

CY32: Perfect Products Still Don’t Sell Themselves

Choose Yourself Podcast Ellory WellsWelcome to the Choose Yourself podcast!

I'm your host, Ellory Wells.

This podcast will help motivate and inspire you to choose yourself as the master of your own destiny and the architect of your success.

Even perfect products won't sell themselves. They need to be marketed and shared with the world

In this episode I share the story of Sam, and entrepreneur architect who let his fear get a hold of him.

The world needs what you have. We need your skills, your talents, your unique take one how to do things. But we can't know about if you won't tell us!

Resources Mentioned:

  • None this time; hope that's ok =)

Connect with Ellory!

Some of my ebooks:

Personal Branding Toolkit
Start Professional Podcast



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