EP10: Why Leaders are Readers & How to Build Relationships w/ Jeff Brown (@TheJeffBrown)

EP10: Why Leaders are Readers & How to Build Relationships w/ Jeff Brown (@TheJeffBrown)

The 10th episode of the Empowered Podcast features podcaster, web-designer and possibly the next voice-over mogul, Jeff brown.

Jeff will share his journey from being laid off, to becoming a full-time web-designer and owning his own company, to hosting one of the fastest growing and most educational podcasts around, the Read to Lead Podcast.

Jeff's Mission:

To spread the belief that intentional and consistent reading is key to success in business and in life.

Jeff Brown Read to lead podcast

How Jeff defines empowerment:

Great leaders empower those around them. A great leader is someone who isn't threatened or afraid to leverage the collective brain power in the room.

What Jeff and I talked about:

How did you empower yourself to make the changes necessary to get you to where you are today?

I started thinking about reading, listening to podcasts, reading blogs and following interesting people in social media as investments in the brand of You. You have to invest in yourself today.

When you decided to do what you're doing now, what types of Resistance did you face?

I've been lucky to have a lot of people in my corner. My wife has always been encouraging. I've had great mentors and am in two mastermind groups.

My greatest resistance came from the voices in my own head.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I like to get up at 5 or 6 am. I start by opening the Buffer app and sharing interesting things on social media. Then I do interviews like this one for my show. I do work on my clients' websites. I've just started doing voice-over work for TV-talk.

EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Always be encouraging somebody. Be the kind of person who approaches social media as an opportunity to encourage other people.

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Connect with Jeff!

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  • Jeff Brown says:

    Thanks so much for having me on Ellory. Enjoyed it very much.

  • Jeff Brown says:

    Thanks so much for having me on Ellory. Enjoyed it very much.

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