EP12: The Success Formula - Deliver Value First & the Money Will Come w/ Cliff Ravenscraft (@GSPN)

EP12: The Success Formula – Deliver Value First & the Money Will Come w/ Cliff Ravenscraft (@GSPN)

The 12th episode of the Empowered Podcast features the Podcast Answer man himself, Cliff Ravenscraft.

Cliff shares with me what it was like to leave a successful career in insurance to follow his dream of impacting the world through podcasting. He'll share how he built his business from making $11,000 the first year, to becoming the go-to coach for creating a successful podcast.

My favorite Cliff Quote:

Deliver value first and the money follows.

Cliff Ravenscraft Podcast Answer Man 300

How Cliff defines empowerment:

Empower means to give people the tools necessary to fulfill their purpose and mission in life.

What Cliff and I talked about:

What does a typical day look like for you?

“Whatever I want it to look like!” I get up early and work, go for a walk, work on any number of projects and go out to a long lunch with my wife. I am in control of my own day.

“Every day I choose my life.”

How do you unwind and relax?

Watch TV, go for a walk.

What was the last movie you saw?


EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Serve people. Go out of your way and find ways to help people succeed. The quickest way to find success in life is by helping other people find success.

Don't chase the money, chase something you love.

Connect with Cliff!

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  • great advice from Cliff – there is something special about being able to help others that immediately pays you back in the moment – the satisfaction of being of value to others. Great stuff!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Jon! When I met Cliff in person, before we started recording, I asked him about making money with the show.

      His response? Stop thinking about money and start focusing on providing as much value as possible.

      Cliff’s a great guy! Who would you like to see on an upcoming show?

  • great advice from Cliff – there is something special about being able to help others that immediately pays you back in the moment – the satisfaction of being of value to others. Great stuff!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Hey Jon! When I met Cliff in person, before we started recording, I asked him about making money with the show.

      His response? Stop thinking about money and start focusing on providing as much value as possible.

      Cliff’s a great guy! Who would you like to see on an upcoming show?

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