EP13: How to Build a Community of 100,000+ w/ Pat Flynn (@PatFlynn)

EP13: How to Build a Community of 100,000+ w/ Pat Flynn (@PatFlynn)

The 13th episode of the Empowered Podcast features online business icon, Pat Flynn.

Pat will share something with us that he's never shared before. He'll end the PlayStation vs Xbox debate and he'll open up about being an introvert in an online world.

Pat's Mission:

To show you how to work hard now so you can sit back and reap the benefits later.

Pat Flynn family Smart Passive Income

How Pat defines empowerment:

Empower means to consciously give yourself the ability to know that you can do something – to give yourself permission to succeed.

What Pat and I talked about:

How did you get such a large following?

My community is large because they can relate to me as a person. I always talk about the things that go wrong in my business and the mistakes that I make; that's why transparency is such a large part of my business and of who I am.

What is the best way to empower other people?

“I try to encourage and inspire people as much as I can and show people that I am no better than anybody else. I just happen to be someone who has taken those steps to empower myself and to take action. I try to be as transparent as I can.”

When you decided to do what you're doing now, what types of Resistance did you face?

There was a ton of fear behind what I was doing. It's hard to keep going when you don't have something to show for it right away and that's why so many people give up.
There was always one more thing that I could be doing – even when I was at home. I had to create boundaries between my business and my personal life.

What are you doing today that will keep you moving forward tomorrow?

This is really specific but I'm working with my developer to tweak the design of SPI.com to better the user experience.

I also do what I can to eat well and to exercise – I actually perform better when I do; I work faster and am more efficient.

What was the last movie you saw?

Ender's Game

EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

“I feel like the people who have risen to the top in this industry are the ones who will go that little bit extra to connect with as many people as they can.”

I'm reminded of this quote by David Hooper –

Stop making music and go out there and talk to people and build real relationships.”

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Connect with Pat!

Ready to Start YOUR Business?

In my book Exit Strategy: The Exact Tactics to Transition from Where You Have to Be to Where You Want to Be, I go in-depth about how to build a business, sign your first clients, develop your products, and the order you should do it all in. If you'd like to grab a copy of Exit Strategy, you can buy it on Amazon HERE.

Connect with me!

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  • Pat Flynn says:

    Thanks again for having me on the show Ellory! You’re awesome, and Happy New Year to you and your community!

  • Pat Flynn says:

    Thanks again for having me on the show Ellory! You’re awesome, and Happy New Year to you and your community!

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