EP16: Get More Done & Focus on Productivity that Goes Beyond the To Do List w/ Erik Fisher (@ErikJFisher)

EP16: Get More Done & Focus on Productivity that Goes Beyond the To Do List w/ Erik Fisher (@ErikJFisher)

The 16th episode of the Empowered Podcast features a live interview from the New Media Expo floor with productivity expert and author, Erik Fisher.

Erik will share the #1 killer of productivity. He'll teach us how to overcome productivity killers, he'll educate us on his love of bacon, and he will give one of the best productivity tips of all time.

Erik's Mission:

To help you make and meet goals that matter.

Erik Fisher Beyond the To Do List

How Erik defines empowerment:

Giving strength. It means that you are supporting and giving a breakthrough of some sort to somebody, that will enable them to move beyond where they're at right now.

What Erik and I talked about:

What is the biggest killer of productivity?

Lack of focus – having a goal or direction in mind can help you focus and be able to work toward achieving it.

What is your best productivity tip?

Mind dump – clear your mental RAM so that you don't feel that sense of overwhelm. By doing this you get a quick win and can feel the release of having your mental inbox at zero.

Why do you love bacon so much?

I love bacon – and I am okay with turkey bacon…at least it's something.

I talk about it because it's a creative outlet – a writing and content creating exercise.

Erik Fisher and Ellory Wells at New Media Expo

Erik Fisher and me at New Media Expo

How did you empower yourself to make the changes necessary to get where you are today?

I eliminated the word impossible from my mind.

What are you doing today that will keep you moving forward tomorrow?

At conferences, don't get hung up on the schedule. Be flexible.

Once I get home, I will unplug and reset to get ready for this new season.

Since you decided to face your fears and charge forward, what have you stopped doing?

I stopped wasting time online. I decided to be productive instead of just busy.

How do you unwind and relax?

I watch TV with my wife in the evenings – Sherlock (BBC version), Downton Abbey, Arrow, and various comedy shows.

What was the last movie you saw?

The Hobbit – the first one

EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

“Start. We get lost in the hesitation and we just don't try.”

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Connect with Erik!

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