EP17: How to Say Goodbye to Survival Mode & Truly Live w/ Crystal Paine (@MoneySavingMom)

EP17: How to Say Goodbye to Survival Mode & Truly Live w/ Crystal Paine (@MoneySavingMom)

Episode 17 features blogger, mother of 3 and author of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode, Crystal Paine.

We'll hear how Crystal gets so much done while at the same time changing the world with her brand, Money Saving Mom.

Crystal's Mission:

To challenge women to wisely steward their time and resources and live life on purpose.

EP17 Crystal Paine Quote - Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

How Crystal defines empowerment:

When you're empowered, you are excited, you are fulfilled, and you are energized about life. And you feel like you're not waking up every day overwhelmed and feeling like you have this big black loud over you, but instead you're pumped and just thrilled about the opportunities that lay ahead of you.

What Crystal and I talked about:

Crystal's book, Say Goodbye to Survival Mode. Get your copy!

What does a typical day look like for you?

I try to get up early in the morning. I've found that if i get up early, I seem to have an extra 4 hours in my day even if I get up only 30 minutes or an hour earlier.

I get up early and I read my bible and pray, I write in my blessing journal about something I'm grateful for from the day before to get my heart in the right place. Then I open my computer to get a few hours of work done.

The middle part of the day is spent homeschooling our kids and then we have family time in the evening.

EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

I really would encourage you to start saying no. Look at everything that's on your plate, every single opportunity, every single commitment, and say, “what is absolutely necessary?”

When you really step back and look at it from that perspective, it will change how you view things.

Start with the things that are absolutely necessary.

You've got to start with saying no before you say yes.

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Connect with Crystal!

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  • Wesley Wiley says:

    “You’ve got to start with saying no before you say yes.” – Love that quote. Thanks for the show Ellory!

  • Wesley Wiley says:

    “You’ve got to start with saying no before you say yes.” – Love that quote. Thanks for the show Ellory!

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