EP19: How to Leave Work Behind & Pursue Your Passions w/ Tom Ewer (@TomEwer)

EP19: How to Leave Work Behind & Pursue Your Passions w/ Tom Ewer (@TomEwer)

Episode 19 the Empowered Podcast features professional blogger, Tom Ewer.

You'll hear how Tom left his full-time job to produce blog posts and edit for a team of writers. Tom also shares how he lives the lifestyle he wants from wherever he wants because of the freedom provided by online business.

Tom's Mission:

to help as many people as I can to realize their own dreams of quitting their jobs and building their own online businesses.

tom-ewer ep19

How Tom defines empowerment:

Freedom. If you're empowered, that means you are free.

What Tom and I talked about:

How did you empower yourself to make the changes necessary to get you to where you are today?

The key to empowerment is persistence. Keep working hard and keep persisting until you find something that works.

What is the best way to empower other people?

You can't. You can help them to empower themselves, but you can't bestow it upon them.

When you decided to do what you're doing now, what types of Resistance did you face?

Quite a bit. There's the classic – my friends and family. You know, that's always going to be the case when you're going down an unconventional route. They were worried for me. They weren't discouraging, but they weren't encouraging either.

I also faced self-doubt. That's the killer. But even if I doubt myself, I'm still going to try.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Most days are pretty normal – I get up around 8:30, work from 9-1, take a lunch then work from 2-5 and sometimes a bit later. The key is that I have the flexibility and the freedom to not do that if I want to.

What are you doing today that will keep you moving forward tomorrow?

I always make sure that my focus first thing in the morning is on something that is taking me forward. I ask, “am I doing something that will make me more money or drive more traffic?” I want to make sure what that I'm enjoying what I'm doing and helping as many people as possible.

Since you decided to face your fears and charge forward, what have you stopped doing?

I stopped doubting myself. I have to remember that I am capable of succeeding.

How do you unwind and relax?

I delineate between work and home – I close the door on my work and walk away from it. I watch TV and read. I watch and play sports and socialize with friends.

What was the last movie you saw?


EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Persistence. There's someone out there who has less mental assets than you or less opportunity than you that has already done it. So for you to say you can't do it or you can't achieve it is absurd. Recognize that if you persist you will succeed.

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