EP43: Offline Expertise to Online Dominance with Chris Cerrone (@bluegeno)

EP43: Offline Expertise to Online Dominance with Chris Cerrone (@bluegeno)

Episode 43 the Empowered Podcast features professional podcaster, media mogul and all-around awesome dude, Chris Cerrone!

I'm really honored to have my friend Chris on the show today. He and I talk about how he took the podcasting world by storm, how he's creating a brand online, and why he got started in the first place. With hundreds of thousands of people in his audience, Chris Cerrone is taking his offline expertise and turning it into online dominance!

This episode is awesome. Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the show!

Thank Chris for being on the show!

Chris's Mission:

To provide fresh new names that you probably haven't heard before, and if you have I am almost willing to bet you will learn something about them not talked about on any other show. 

EP43 Chris Cerrone

How Chris defines empowerment:

I really don't know. I'm learning myself what empowerment means to me.

What Chris and I talked about:

When you decided to do what you're doing now, what types of Resistance did you face?

The only resistance really came from myself. I still have my own inner self telling me not to do this, that or the other.

How did you face and overcome those challenges?

It's just getting in a mental state and forcing myself to get over the self-doubt. It could be listening to music or it could be sitting in silence.

Since you decided to face your fears and charge forward, what have you stopped doing?

I stopped saying yes all of the time.

How do you unwind and relax?

Chill time is completely disconnecting from the computer and the world and just spending time with my family.

What was the last movie you saw?


EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Don't worry about failing. Stop flattering yourself, get over yourself, and just go out there and make it happen.

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:


What's Next Blogging provides HD-quality tutorial videos that walk you through the process of fixing any problem you might have with your blog or website.


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Empowered Podcast with Ellory Wells
Empowered Podcast with Ellory Wells

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  • Johnny Lee Phillips says:

    Awesome episode man! Loved it! Love what you are doing Ellory. 🙂

  • Johnny Lee Phillips says:

    Awesome episode man! Loved it! Love what you are doing Ellory. 🙂

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