EP49: Getting Fired & Forced Entrepreneurship, Ellory Tells All
Episode 49: Ellory Tells All. This episode is a little different. I got to sit down with Ellory and talk with him about our story.
We discuss how working in corporate America changed for him and the events that caused him to become a full-time entrepreneur…and I got to add in how things affected me as well. Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments section below or send us a tweet!
– Ashley (Ellory's other half)
Ashley and me in Las Vegas the day after New Media Expo
Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:
- Attend: Turn Your Offline Expertise into an Online Business – Ellory's training course
- Read: EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
- Read: 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller
- Read: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Read: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Take back the freedom in your life! Now is the perfect time to build a business online.
My training course, “Turn Your Offline Expertise into an Online Business” is the perfect way for you to get started.
Take the first step and ENROLL NOW!
Connect with us!
- Twitter – @theashleywells; @ellorywells
- Phone – 512-774-4614
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Ashley and Ellory!! My wife and I have had the same talks as you have!!
What a profound show this was to me! My wife has had similar feelings like Ashley has had in the fact that what would we do if I quit the USPS.
I’ve been there for six years and it gets worse every day! I try to make the best of it but it’s getting harder and harder to keep that smile on my face.
We went to Dave Ramsey’s Legacy Journey live show last year and we had the opportunity to meet Dave Ramsey, Rachel and Jon Acuff!! I could not help but cry from the sheer joy of meeting them. I felt like a baby but I was so overcome with emotion at how much they have hd helped me up until this point.
I got to talk with Jon Acuff and realized he was just an everyday guy and knew from then on my life was going to change for the better!!
Thanks again for this podcast and like I’ve told you before I can’t wait for another episode!!
Steve, I’m so glad my life is resonating with you.
Make sure you have an exit plan. Start building your side business now so you can make a transition instead of a leap. There are a lot of things I’d do differently if I could, but I try to share those things here on the blog.
Let me know how I can help you moving forward! Thanks for reading, listening, and commenting =)
My plan is in place. I’m writing and blogging more and its picking up traffic. I’ve been asked to do a guest post on a popular site so I look forward to doing that!
I pray everyday that I find my “WHY”. Who knew it would be so difficult.
I started recording podcast under “Failing Forward” but found out last night that name is already a podcast! Not a problem I chose two more names and I’m running it by my wife and some others so that I can get it airing soon.
I know I must have patience but not procrastinate.
Thanks again for putting your story out there!! I do appreciate it!!
Ellory, wow what a story! It’s eerily similar to my own. Thanks to you and Ashley I’ve got a little more hope. Thanks to both of you for sharing your story and letting the rest of us know how you got to where you are today it was so inspiring!