EP54: Embrace Your Story and Be True to Yourself with Berni Xiong (@BerniXiong)
Episode 54 of the Empowered Podcast features author, speaker, brave bear and shin kicker, Berni Xiong.
If anyone had a reason to have a negative outlook on life, it would be Berni Xiong. Instead, she's one of the most positive and upbeat people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Abused as a child, married at 16, frustrated in an abusive marriage and asked to never contact her adult son, these are just some of the things we talk about today as we look at Berni's story of being true to herself.
Berni shows us that if she can embrace the story of her life, and be true to herself, we can do it too.
Thank Berni for being on the show!
Berni's Mission:
Sparking people. Sparking movements.
The EPIC Final Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?
When you are feeling helpless, hopeless, etc. the best thing you can do is to offer help to someone else less fortunate than you. You will regain that energy and empowerment and inspiration to realize that you are good enough because you were able to contribute to someone else in the world.
Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:
- Read: The Year of the Brave Bear by Berni Xiong
- Read: How to Start a Professional Podcast for $200 or Less by Ellory Wells
- Listen: Empowered Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner
- Listen: My “Tell All” Story on Episode 49
- Listen: Be, Build, Have with Mike Sutton
- Attend: My live, in person meetup!
Take back the freedom in your life! Now is the perfect time to build a business online.
My training course, “Turn Your Offline Expertise into an Online Business” is the perfect way for you to get started.
Take the first step and ENROLL NOW!
Connect with Berni!
- Web – bravebearmedia.com
- Twitter – @BerniXiong
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