EP59: How to Stand Out & Own Your Uniqueness with Laci Urcioli (@lacivegas)

EP59: How to Stand Out & Own Your Uniqueness with Laci Urcioli (@lacivegas)

Episode 59 of the Empowered Podcast features podcaster, mother and marketing master, Laci Urcioli.

When Laci was first introduced to the world of podcasting, she wasn't impressed. And I can't blame her. In this episode we talk about the barrier to entry for podcasters, and how to overcome it. Laci also shares how she's now neck-deep in the podcasting world and how it has changed her life.

Thank Laci for being on the show!

Stand Out and Own Your Uniqueness Laci Urcioli

How Laci defines empowerment:

Pouring into one another the truth of what we see in one another and what we see in ourselves.

What Laci and I talked about:

Q & A on this episode came from Facebook!

What was the last movie you saw?

The Life of Jiro documentary; Print the Legend documentary; Saving Mr. Banks

The EPIC Final Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Get around people who are doing what you think is amazing.

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Start an Online Business with Your Offline Expertise

Take back the freedom in your life! Now is the perfect time to build a business online.

My training course, “Turn Your Offline Expertise into an Online Business” is the perfect way for you to get started.

Take the first step and ENROLL NOW!


Connect with Laci!

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Empowered Podcast with Ellory WellsEmpowered Podcast with Ellory WellsEmpowered Podcast with Ellory Wells

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