EP69: Creating Magical Meetups at the Happiest Place on Earth w/ Lou Mongello (@loumongello)
Episode 69 of the Empowered Podcast is Part 2 of a Live Events series and features blogger, podcaster, speaker and event coordinator, Lou Mongello.
Today Lou shares his journey from attorney to Walt Disney World fanatic. He'll teach us how to create successful (and magical) live events so we can take our businesses to the next level. Lou's passion is contagious, and I can't wait to share this episode with you.
Thank Lou for being on the show!
Lou's Mission:
[optin_box style=”19″ alignment=”center” disable_name=”Y” email_field=”email” email_default=”Enter your email address” integration_type=”activecampaign” double_optin=”Y” signup_form_id=”1422″ thank_you_page=”https://www.ellorywells.com/lp/8468″ list=”10″ name_default=”Enter your first name” name_required=”Y”][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Lou's Guide: Creating Magical Live Events[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHA+RW50ZXIgeW91ciBlbWFpbMKgYmVsb3cgYW5kIEnigJlsbCBzZW5kIHlvdSB0aGUgUERGIGNoZWNrbGlzdCBvZiBob3cgeW91IGNhbiBzdGFydCBjcmVhdGluZyBtYWdpY2FsIGxpdmUgZXZlbnRzLiBGcm9tIGhvdyB0byBwcm9tb3RlIHRvIGhvdyB0byBwcm9maXQsIGFuZCBldmVyeXRoaW5nIGluIGJldHdlZW4hPC9wPgo=[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Download Now![/optin_box_button] [/optin_box]To share my love of Disney with others
On this episode you will hear about:
- Lou's journey from attorney to Disney park expert
- Lou's meetups…the early years
- The purpose of meetups
- Is Disney involved??
- The power of podcasting and online connections
- Social marketing before social media existed
- AdventuresbyDisney.com
- Meetups on cruises??
- Podcast Movement
- Transitioning from free to paid events
How Lou defines empowerment:
We are empowered. We have the ability. It starts with a belief and a faith in yourself & your dream, and what you want to do. We have the tools and opportunity to be able to take that dream and turn it into a reality.
What Lou and I talked about:
What was the last movie you saw?
Guardians of the Galaxy
The EPIC Final Question: What would you tell the Lou of 12 years ago…
It's okay to be scared. It's okay to constantly be scared. I've learned to use the fear as a motivator.
Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:
- Read: Lou's most recent Disney book: 102 Ways to Save Money For and At Walt Disney World
Take back the freedom in your life! Now is the perfect time to build a business online.
My training course, “Turn Your Offline Expertise into an Online Business” is the perfect way for you to get started.
Take the first step and ENROLL NOW!
Connect with Lou!
- Web – www.loumongello.com
- Disney web: www.wdwradio.com
- Twitter – @LouMongello
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