EP73: Empowering Women for Entrepreneurship w/ Nicole Lapin (@NicoleLapin)

EP73: Empowering Women for Entrepreneurship w/ Nicole Lapin (@NicoleLapin)

Episode 73 of the Empowered Podcast features author, TV personality and producer, entrepreneur and financial expert, Nicole Lapin.

You'll hear how Nicole became one of the youngest female anchors on a national news channel, how she started her own production company, as well as how (and why) she wrote her own book. Nicole Lapin truly embodies what it is to be an entrepreneur, and you don't want to miss this episode! PLUS! Special bonuses and a $500+ giveaway!

Thank Nicole for being on the show!

Nicole Mission:

To empower women. To give them the resources to help get their finances together and to create a life they're proud of

EP73 Nicole Lapin Rich Bitch

In this episode we talked about:

  • Nicole's story: From the farms of Kentucky to CNN
  • Nicole's new book: Rich Bitch
  • Redefining our thoughts about money
  • New meaning for the word bitch
  • The three F's of life
  • Women in business
  • EVERYTHING is negotiable
  • Entrepreneurial vs. Entrepreneur
  • Avoiding the path of least resistance

The EPIC Final Question: Is there anything over the last 10 years that you would have done differently, knowing what you know now?

I would have told my former self to stop smiling and nodding. By that I mean not being brave enough to ask questions when I didn't know what folks were talking about. I was being cowardly and not confronting a topic that scared me. I would've been more active in admitting what I don't know and learning and growing quicker.


Catalyst Mastermind It's a fact that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Join Ellory's next mastermind, and surround yourself with like-minded, entrepreneur-focused people! Take the first step and RESERVE YOUR SPOT! .

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Empowered Podcast with Ellory WellsEmpowered Podcast with Ellory WellsEmpowered Podcast with Ellory Wells

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  • Nicole S. Cooper says:

    I tried to subscribe but found the 4th step a bit complex cause I didn’t get an email Ellory

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Nicole, did you ever get the confirmation? I don’t show you on the “unconfirmed” list. I’ve also tweaked the wording a little too. Thanks for letting me know!

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