EP78: The Unseen Finish Line: How to Stay Focused and Moving Forward
Episode 78 of the Empowered Podcast is all about staying motivated, focused on the goal, and helping us move toward the unseen finish line.
If you're tired, and wondering if your side-hustle is worth it, if building your own business is worth it, getting up early and staying up late is worth it, listen to this episode. I've been there. I've been exhausted and wondering how (and if) I should keep pursuing my goals. Then, I realized there's an unseen finish line out there waiting for me to cross it!
This episode is for you, and I know it'll help keep you moving forward!
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In this episode we talked about:
- The unconventional way Ellory became a small-business owner – Empowered Podcast ep. 49
- The power of exponential growth
- Read: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
- I work too damn hard to see my dreams slip through my fingers because I got tired! (Tweet that!)
- Listen: Why it's not a light-switch change from corporate to successful business – ep. 48 w/ Kary Oberbrunner
- Watch: Simon Sinek's Golden Circle Ted Talk:
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Photo credit: marcus_jb1973 / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND