Giveaway: 3 of the Most Influential Books I’ve Read in the Last 5 Years
I couldn’t be more excited about this giveaway! These influential books have helped me shape who I am, define my business goals, formulate a plan for success, and help me get started. I’m giving away a hard copy of three and a digital copy of my own. I’m honored to help you get started!
Books are one of the best ways to learn. They allow us to not only consume but to digest information at a slow enough pace to make sense of it all. Some books, like the ones on this list, even take it to a whole new level by providing real world examples and instructions on how to move forward.
Personal development is a big deal for me. While you'll often find me playing my PlayStation or watching a movie, I still spend a significant amount of time reading and studying books to help me learn and achieve even greater things.
My love of books and a dedication to personal development helped me decide on which books to give away. I looked at my library. I figured out which authors had made the biggest impact on me over the past few years, and there were a few that immediately jumped to the front of my mind.
The social media and blogging strategies of Michael Hyatt. The questions Brendon Burchard asked that helped me clarify my message and create a new product. Michael Gerber's wisdom of outlining my business from the very beginning. And, finally, my book, which has changed my life as well as the life of many others through the power of podcasting.
The Books
Platform by Michael Hyatt
This is one of the best step-by-step books for everyone wanting to build an online platform. From blog post techniques to social media guides this book has become a textbook I refer to often. I’m proud to share this book!
Can't wait? Get it here.
Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard
No other book has helped me gain clarity of purpose like this one. With detailed question to help guide you through finding your message, this book has impacted me and my business more than any other book on this list.
Can't wait? Get it here.
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
A recent favorite of mine, this book will help you turn your blog, podcast, or side project into a scalable business. You’ll read valuable templates for success, as well as how to apply them to your business. Begin with the end in mind, especially in your business!
Can't wait? Get it here.
How to Start Your Professional Podcast for $200 or Less by Ellory Wells
This book is my journey to creating a professional podcast on a budget. You’ll get gear recommendations, set up instructions, and detailed walkthroughs which show you exactly how to start a podcast.
Can't wait? Get it here.
Three lucky winners will get full and complete access to my membership site for entrepreneurs for three whole months! I love being able to provide these resources, experts calls, tutorials and training to my members, and I’ll include 3 months access for the three runners up!
PLUS! Just for entering, you’ll get The 4 Must-Have Resources for Building Your Business and The Online Business Startup Kit. You’ll also get regular updates from me, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
How to Win
Step 1: Enter
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Share your lucky URL
Step 3: Read
The winner will be announced July 19, 2015 at 3:30 pm CDT.
Good luck!
Photo credit: azrasta / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA