Life Changers: You Don’t Need Permission

Life Changers: You Don’t Need Permission

My life changing moment came years ago whenever my manager wouldn't answer a question for me. I kept going to and asking him, “What should I do with this? What should I do? What should I do?”

I felt rather dejected in the moment, but that rejection, and his refusal to answer my question, changed the course of my career and my life. This was one of my life changing moments because his short, abrupt words of, “Go figure it out!” told me, “Ellory, you can do this yourself.”

You Don't Need Permission - No Success sign

Several years ago, I was faced with a question. I thought I knew the answer, but wanted either affirmation, confirmation, or both. So, I went in search for an answer.

To find out the answer, and learn what I learned,

Click here to find my guest post on my friend Jonathan Harrison's site.

Jon has allowed me to write a guest post on his blog for his readers. Please help me support him by reading my post and making a comment on his site!

If you'd like to publish a guest post on my site, I'd love for you to! Click here for details how to do that and start connecting!

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  • Ellory – thank you for sharing your empowering story on my site. I believe the lesson you share is exactly what many of us need to hear to break through some of the daily challenges we face!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Jon, thank you for having me! I’ve learned it’s a tough thing to allow someone else to post on your site. I’m honored to have had the opportunity! My experience, as illustrated in this story, was really jarring at the time. I was shaken for quite a while and it has obviously resonated with me. Hopefully the readers of both our sites will find value in the lesson I learned.

  • Ellory – thank you for sharing your empowering story on my site. I believe the lesson you share is exactly what many of us need to hear to break through some of the daily challenges we face!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Jon, thank you for having me! I’ve learned it’s a tough thing to allow someone else to post on your site. I’m honored to have had the opportunity! My experience, as illustrated in this story, was really jarring at the time. I was shaken for quite a while and it has obviously resonated with me. Hopefully the readers of both our sites will find value in the lesson I learned.

  • Paul Sohn says:

    Good stuff Ellory!

  • Paul Sohn says:

    Good stuff Ellory!

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