Coaching: Recommended Reading & Resources

Coaching: Recommended Reading & Resources

recommended reading emyth revisited michael gerber

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

This book is about systems, scalability, and how to deliver a consistent experience to your users and clients. Systems allow you to grow, scale, and automate tasks so you're free to do the things only you can do - things that are usually the most profitable.

recommended reading exit strategy ellory wells

Exit Strategy: The Exact Tactics to Transition from Where You Have to Be to Where You Want to Be

I wrote this book to help people I couldn't coach 1x1, but you should still read it. If you read Exit Strategy, you'll be able to spend your calls in the most productive way, and not have to wonder about concepts I'm referring to. Buy it, read it, and you'll have the most productive coaching calls possible.

recommended reading think and grow rich napoleon hill

Think and Grow Rich

This book is nearly 100 years old, so you may have read it. If you haven't, it's time you do. Napoleon Hill set his life aside for 20 years to study the lives of successful people and understand what they did to become wealthy. He also laid the foundation for how I structure my mastermind and coaching calls.

recommended reading platform michael hyatte

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Michael Hyatt's book is one of the best ones out there about building an online platform, why you should use your blog as your business' home base, and how to build an audience. With both high level strategy and deep technical advice, this book is one I underlined, highlighted, and dog-eared feverishly.

recommended reading millionaire messenger brendon burchard

The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice

I refer to concepts from this book often. Regardless of the size of your business, you'll have to create products that meet people where they are, no matter their budget. This book outlines products and services that will help you dramatically increase revenue. From $10 items to $1000 events, this book has it.

recommended reading dotcom secrets russell brunson

DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online

Russell is an expert at creating sales funnels, finding new ways to attract visitors and convert them into customers. Creating sales funnels for your products and services will be key to your success, and this book will help you understand many of the concepts we'll discuss on our coaching calls.

recommended reading writing riches ray edwards

Writing Riches: Learn How to Boost Profits, Drive Sales & Master Your Financial Destiny w/ Results-Based Web Copy

Writing sales copy is something everyone can get better at. Ray's book shows us how to effectively format the words on a page so we can create an emotional connection with our prospects so we can lead them to a buying decision.
