Would you hire someone you’re not sure will show up? Would you sign a contract with a company that might close its doors next week? I wouldn’t. At least not for important things. But that’s exactly what a lot of beginner or aspiring entrepreneurs are asking their clients to do. If we’re not all in, […]
Each of us has a point in our life that changes who we are or who we’ll become. While they’reĀ happening, we wish they were over and hope we’ll make it through clean on the other side. In 2009, an event like that happened to me and it not only taught me a valuable life lesson, […]
I don’t often write about my marriage. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever written about it. But Ashley and I have one of the best marriages. Though they may not admit it, I’m pretty sure most of our friends wish they were us. It takes work, but it’s also pretty awesome. While Ashley and […]
Since I started my podcast I have learned a great deal. I’ve spoken with deca-millionaires, inspirational bloggers, two ex-military types with hearts of joy, and even one of the most famous icons in the industry. I won’t tell you who they are, you’ll have to listen in for that. But what I’ve discovered by spending […]
In today’s What If Wednesday, I have the honor to introduce you to my wonderful wife, Ashley. Ashley loves taking care of people and has a fascination with science, biology and dance. Though she doesn’t have a blog, she stepped up to the challenge and wrote this excellent article! If you would like to guest […]