Want to start the new year off right? Want to do more, achieve more, and “win” more in the coming months? I hear that! However, you and I both know that without a plan to succeed, you might as well plan to fail. So, let’s take a look at 5 things you need to do […]
Summer is a time when most people take off. They head to the beach, slow down on their reading, became strangers at the gym, and “take a break” from their daily grind. But successful people work when other people don’t. They put in the work, focus on the goal, and get things done. And, they […]
We all have the same amount of time in each day. It’s how we manage it that makes all the difference. Good things don’t come to those who wait; good things come to the people who go out there and make good things happen. Today on the Ellory Wells Show, a Joe Pardo asks me […]
Episode 94 of the Empowered Podcast features life coach, speaker, blogger, podcaster and philanthropist, Valerie Groth. If you want to become a coach, but don’t know how to get started, or, you want to charge for your services, but don’t know how to price them, this episode is for you! Today, Valerie shares how she got started […]
It’s tax day (or about to be) and you’re wondering what to do with your tax refund check when you get it. Instead of going on yet another over-priced vacation, you know, the ones with $10 sodas and $20 sandwiches, you want to be smart with your money. You want to know how you can […]
Last year was an amazing time for me and it was all due to readers of the blog, listeners to the podcast, and members of the community. I’ll share more in a minute, but it’s true – I couldn’t have done it without you! Every year I do my very best to learn more about […]
A few days ago I spoke to an acquaintance of mine about coaching. She and I have known each other for almost a year, and she was thinking about hiring me as her coach. What we talked about, the questions she had, and the mindset she’s got, can be a lesson about success for all […]
When I set out to be an online entrepreneur I imagined all the glamorous things. Living on the beach, traveling the world, making more money than I could spend, and making a difference with what I know. Maybe you’ve had the same thoughts. Visions of life outside the confines of your cubicle. Dreams of impacting […]
This past week I was coaching an entrepreneur and she said something that really made me think. What she said was a reflection of the type of mindset I find common in many entrepreneurs, including myself. In fact, what she said was something I have struggled with and still think about and face on a […]
A few weeks ago we looked at personal branding. We examined what personal branding is and how it can help or hurt you and we looked at a case study of Coca-Cola and how they’ve evolved their brand over the last 100+ years. What I’d like to look at today is Online Personal Branding. You may or […]