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Tag Archives for " Donald Kelly "

EP52: Why Every Successful Person Needs a Mastermind w/ Justin Carper (@Justin_Carper)

EP52: Masterminds with Justin Carper

Episode 52 of the Empowered Podcast features my friend and mastermind group member, Justin Carper. Justin and I have been in a mastermind together for most of the past year. He and I talk about the value of having a mastermind and why every successful person needs one. If you’ve ever considered joining a mastermind, […]

Where Has Ellory Been? aka My Adventures in Florida

Ellory Wells_Adventures_in_Florida

This past week I’ve been in Florida. Mostly on vacation, but also for a fantastic time meeting podcasters, connecting with new friends, and even a little business too. I thought I’d take a minute to thank a few people and update you on my adventures of the past week. I’ve had some really great experiences the past 6 […]
