Does a college education make sense today? Is the investment of time money on a college degree worth what we get in return? While I do have a college education and a bachelor’s degree, I must question whether the amount of debt students take on in order to get the degree is worth the financial […]
Do you ever get tired? I mean really exhausted. Tired of what you’re doing, tired of where you’re headed, tired of not getting the results you had hoped for? I know I do. I’m an analytics junkie. I look at data and numbers all the time. However, those numbers don’t always tell me what I […]
The other day I was chatting with one of the members of my Personal Board of Directors, and we got to talking about our personal libraries. He and I both enjoy thrillers by such authors as Vince Flynn, Brad Thor, and Lee Child, so we have many of the same books. He then told me that he […]
Work-life balance is the balancing of the time you spend at work and the time you spend living your life. Not working too much as well as not playing too much. The work-life balance seems to be something we strive toward; every HR department says they provide it, every manager says they give it and […]
Over the past few months, I’ve been leading two book clubs. My first and largest group is made up of peers, leaders within my organization, and just recently, a leader from a separate company altogether. We meet Mondays, over lunch, so we can start the week off in the right direction. The second book club […]
What do you think about social media? Do you see being social as just a fun activity? Or is it something you only do when you have spare time? I always try to be intentional about what I do, especially with my own development, so I asked myself, “Should I have a social strategy?” Whether you’re […]
How to Identify Your Organization’s 80 Percent & How You Can Empower Them Part 3 < – Back to Part 2 So far in this series we’ve learned how to identify the top and bottom ten percent of your team, how to recognize the middle eighty percent, and seen why they’re so valuable to your organization’s success. […]
Deliver the punch line first. If you’re looking to hone your leadership skills, effective communication is a great place to focus. Sometimes in order to communicate effectively you have to get to the point. The key to mastering a short attention span, whether it’s yours or someone else’s, is to deliver the punch line first. When […]