Almost a year and a half ago, right at the end of the year, I started working with a new coaching client. He’d become stagnant in his personal growth and in his pursuit of his goals. He was stuck. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below As the new year approached, some people began […]
If you spend any time around successful people or individuals who have accomplished major goals in their life, you’ll realize that successful people see the world differently. There’s something about successful and effective people that makes them different and special. Today, I want to look at the key ingredient that makes successful people successful, why most […]
Have you been blessed with the ability to step back and see the big picture? Do you have a knack for measuring milestones and plotting the path forward? If so, you may, conversely, struggle with focusing on the specific tasks needed to make things happen. If you’re a big picture thinker and are good at […]
I hate tough love. I hate it because tough love calls me on my shit and forces me to pay attention to the voice that’s been nagging me for months, telling me what I need to change. However, tough love is one of the best kinds of love. Tough love comes a place of caring and […]
Last year was an amazing time for me and it was all due to readers of the blog, listeners to the podcast, and members of the community. I’ll share more in a minute, but it’s true – I couldn’t have done it without you! Every year I do my very best to learn more about […]
You and I are driven people. Both of us are trying to make it from point A to point B. Though we travel different paths, our goals are largely the same. We both want to be happy. Since becoming a professional coach, I’ve met a lot of people. A photographer in his twenties trying to leave […]
Has serving the needs and wants of others taken over your life to the point where you can’t get anything done? Have you been putting your own plans on the back burner for far too long? If you can say yes to either of those questions, you’re not alone. I’ve coached dozens of people over the […]
I was sitting at the kitchen table downstairs literally 20 seconds ago. Well, it was actually about 2 minutes and twenty seconds ago because I had to grind some more coffee and make a new cup before coming up here. But I was sitting there, reading Rise, and I couldn’t focus on the words on […]
I’ve grown a lot over the past year. I’ve learned so much and connected with so many people. I’ve grown, in part, because of readers like you. I asked my wife Ashley what I should call my anniversary article and she suggested, “A Year of Growth.” That title fits so perfectly, which is no surprise […]
Are you dreaming too big? Should you slow down and grasp reality? Is it time to realize your limitations and settle for the way things are? I wanted to write an article about dreams. I wanted to ask you what you thought about the goals you have for yourself. Are they too ambitious? Are they a little […]
Are you stuck in a rut? If you’ve ever looked at your life and wondered how you got to where you are, and feel like you’re struggling to get anywhere, read on and post your comments below. Loosely defined as a fixed or established mode or course of life, a rut is normally associated with being in a “lull” […]