As he sat in his small apartment and watched the two men on the grainy television, an idea began to form in his mind. If a relative no-name fighter could earn his way into the ring to face one of the most well-known boxers in the world… His mind raced with possibilities. Could he do […]
Have you ever struggled to find new content ideas for your blog? Ever sat and stared at your computer screen wondering when the words will come? I have. I’ve struggled to find new blog topics, been challenged to come up with fresh content, and come up short several times. If you want to grow your blog’s […]
Episode 60 of the Empowered Podcast features entrepreneur, personal branding specialist and blogger, Michael Peggs. Today Michael and I discuss why he left his job at Google to pursue entrepreneurship. He’ll share why building a personal brand is so important. Peggs also answers the question, “When will Google be able to hear?” – a question […]
Over the past few months, I’ve been leading two book clubs. My first and largest group is made up of peers, leaders within my organization, and just recently, a leader from a separate company altogether. We meet Mondays, over lunch, so we can start the week off in the right direction. The second book club […]