This is a guest post by Rusty Pang, one of my elite mastermind members, and a soon-to-be author of his first book. The other day during one of our calls, the topic of crowdfunding came up. I know a number of authors who’ve crowd funded their books, Seth Godin among them, and I can’t say […]
Writing is a powerful thing. Writing conveys a message through the use of words, and words are what make history. Dan Erickson has a series on his blog called “Crushed,” where he and his writers share about the benefits of writing about trauma, grief and sadness. Crushed is really about the healing power of words. […]
This is a guest post by Jonathan Dixon. JD is the creative mind behind the BuildingMe Project where is goal is to help build a better you! He is a Dave Ramsey certified counselor and Financial Peace University coordinator. You can follow JD on Twitter. If you would like to guest post on my blog, click here! **As […]
While I’m on vacation this week, I have the honor to introduce you to one of my friends, Jason Beaton. He has written the guest post below. Jason is a husband, father of two beautiful boys, a Transformation Coach at IAM Newbody, and soon-to-be triathlete. If you would like to guest post on my blog, click […]
While I’m on vacation this week, I have the honor to introduce you to one of my friends, Dan Erickson. He has written the guest post below. Dan is the author of two books, A Train Called Forgiveness and At the Crossing of Justice and Mercy. You can follow Dan on Twitter and find more about him and his journey here. […]
While I’m on vacation this week, I have the honor to introduce you to one of my friends, Paul Sohn. He has written the guest post below. Paul is an “organizational chiropractor,”and an intentional leader at Boeing. He is passionate about cultivating the next generation of Kingdom-minded influencers. You can connect with Paul on Facebook, […]
This is a guest post by Sara Collins. Sara is a writer for NerdWallet. She works to help leaders and entrepreneurs stay informed about a range of personal finance topics, from CD rates to choosing the right bank account. You can connect with Sara on Google+. If you would like to guest post on my blog, […]
My life changing moment came years ago whenever my manager wouldn’t answer a question for me. I kept going to and asking him, “What should I do with this? What should I do? What should I do?” I felt rather dejected in the moment, but that rejection, and his refusal to answer my question, changed […]
In today’s What If Wednesday, I have the honor to introduce you to my wonderful wife, Ashley. Ashley loves taking care of people and has a fascination with science, biology and dance. Though she doesn’t have a blog, she stepped up to the challenge and wrote this excellent article! If you would like to guest […]
This is a guest post by Drew Tewell. Drew is a recruiter, author and blogger. His book is titled The Dream Job Program. You can read his blog, where he helps people navigate the world of work, and follow him on Twitter. If you would like to guest post on my blog, click here! As a member of Platform University, a […]
When I first started my leadership blog, I only had a tiny idea about what I was doing. In fact, the plans I laid out in the first three months of blogging hardly resemble the current product at all. I initially wanted to start consulting for businesses and I overlooked the people aspect of my […]
Do you have a desire to write or blog but don’t know where to begin? Are you looking for a place to share your ideas? If you are interested in writing a guest post here on, I AM NOT currently accepting guest posts from talented individuals, and I look forward to hearing from you. […]