If you don’t have an email list for your business, you’ve got a huge gap in your efforts to build a community, update your customers, and generate revenue. But if an email list is so important, how do you build one? Want to listen? There’s an audio version below In a recent post called 3 […]
Sometimes our lowest points are the same ones that will help us reach and connect with people. Our greatest failure can lead to our greatest success. Today on the Ellory Wells Show, you’ll hear a coaching call with Brenda McGraw, an insurance sales person turned coach. We’ll discuss the mindset required to charge for your […]
Sameness. Background noise. Irrelevant. Ignored. These words slap me in the face and terrify me as an entrepreneur. Like the “emo” kids and “goths” of yesteryear, we’re all trying to be different, but we all look the same. Let me explain. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Trying to Be Human Just a […]
Stop it. Stop it right now! You may not even know you’re doing it, but STOP IT! Have I lost my mind? Maybe. But whether I’ve lost my marbles or not is irrelevant. You still need to stop doing it. What is it? You need to stop waiting for someone else to choose you. It’s time to […]