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Tag Archives for " John Lee Dumas "

5 Tips for New Podcasters

tips for new podcasters

For me, starting a podcast was a big decision. I was riddled with self-doubt, and I didn’t know if I could do it. It wasn’t until my wife got me a microphone for my birthday that I finally decided it was time to share my voice with the world. Want to listen? There’s an audio version […]

3 Reasons You Should Attend THRIVE: Make Money Matter

thrive make money matter 2017 cole hatter

Starting a business is hard work. It’s even harder work when you’re not getting the best information, when you’re not surrounding yourself with the best people, and you’re not investing your money in the best ways possible. Lucky for us, there’s a solution. And, it’s a pretty great one. Let’s talk about why you should […]

Why Having a Chip on Your Shoulder Could Be the Best Thing for Your Success

chip on your shoulder good thing

Hey, what’s your problem? What’s wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed? Why do you have a chip on your shoulder? Be careful how you answer those questions. Having a “problem” or a “chip on your shoulder” might just be the best thing you could have if you want to be majorly successful in […]

The Only Business Model That Works

only business model that works

This post is an excerpt from my book Exit Strategy: The Exact Tactics to Transition from Where You Have to Be to Where You Want to Be. In today’s world, one in which the consumer has all the power, there’s only one business model that works. To get you started with the “freemium” model I’ve included Chapter […]

The 10 Most-Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned After 5 years of Intense Personal Growth

Valuable Lessons best advice

Over the past several years, I’ve had conversations with thousands of entrepreneurs at all points along the spectrum of success. From people with just a hint of an idea to successful multi-millionaires. During this time, I have learned so much about dedication, perseverance, surrounding yourself with the right people, and staying focused on the goal. […]

Who I Learned from in August 2013

Who I Learned from in August

I’m all about personal development. As you know, I read a lot, listen to podcasts, watch videos, and many other things to help me be a better leader, husband, and friend. To help you out on your journey, I wanted to share who I’m learning from. The man who does not read has no advantage […]
