This post is Part 2 of a two part series. Click Here to go back and read How I’ve Built My Business, Part 1. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below I Learned From My Mistakes Most of the people I talk to who’ve stalled in their growth have done so because they’ve become […]
As he sat in his small apartment and watched the two men on the grainy television, an idea began to form in his mind. If a relative no-name fighter could earn his way into the ring to face one of the most well-known boxers in the world… His mind raced with possibilities. Could he do […]
Episode 80 of the Empowered Podcast is for the aspiring entrepreneur looking for smart ways to spend their tax refund. If you’ve been chomping at the bit to start your business, but you’ve been waiting to cash your tax refund check, check out this episode! One of my oldest friends, Jason Beaton, and I talk about using […]
It’s tax day (or about to be) and you’re wondering what to do with your tax refund check when you get it. Instead of going on yet another over-priced vacation, you know, the ones with $10 sodas and $20 sandwiches, you want to be smart with your money. You want to know how you can […]
Episode 51 of the Empowered Podcast features freelance writer, world-traveler, and creative marketing expert, Christina Canters. You’ll hear Christina and I talk about how she became location independent, how she picked up and left Australia to travel the world, and how things are working out for her. She shares her ups, downs, and her passion for great […]
Episode 49: Ellory Tells All. This episode is a little different. I got to sit down with Ellory and talk with him about our story. We discuss how working in corporate America changed for him and the events that caused him to become a full-time entrepreneur…and I got to add in how things affected me as well. Let […]
Striking out on your own is a big step. Huge really. Whether you want to become a full-time entrepreneur or you just want to start a business on the side, there are a few things I’ve learned along the way that could help you. I want to share advice I heard several months ago but ignored […]
I was sitting at a large, round table eating lunch. Ashley and I were taking a break from walking the conference floor, and chatting about our morning. While quietly minding our own business, it happened. We got business card bombed. Business cards are dead. Has anyone ever told you that? If you’ve heard that business […]
I’m not famous, but I will be. You might not be either, and that’s ok. But you and I are both doing something special. You and I are doing whatever it takes to make a difference in the world and impact the lives of those around us. We’re not famous, yet. But today I want […]
The 16th episode of the Empowered Podcast features a live interview from the New Media Expo floor with productivity expert and author, Erik Fisher. Erik will share the #1 killer of productivity. He’ll teach us how to overcome productivity killers, he’ll educate us on his love of bacon, and he will give one of the […]
Conferences suck. They entice you to travel to some exotic locale, they force you to pay a bunch of your hard-earned money, they make you love them, and then they kick you out onto the street. Conferences suck. But what if they didn’t have to? What if there was a way we could fix the […]
The 10th episode of the Empowered Podcast features podcaster, web-designer and possibly the next voice-over mogul, Jeff brown. Jeff will share his journey from being laid off, to becoming a full-time web-designer and owning his own company, to hosting one of the fastest growing and most educational podcasts around, the Read to Lead Podcast. Jeff’s […]
I recently had a conversation with my wife. It didn’t go as planned. I wanted to attend the New Media Expo this coming January in Las Vegas, so I asked my wife how we could figure out a way for us to go together. What I was expecting was an answer about how we could […]