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Tag Archives for " ThriveCart "

12 Essential Tools for Your Startup Business

essential business tools 2020

Updated April 2, 2020. While much of the content remains mostly the same, most of the tool recommendations have changed. When I first wrote this, I’d just begun my online business journey. Now I’ve been in the world of online entrepreneurship for almost 7 years. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to business school. […]

How to Make Money With Your Blog

how to make money with your blog

I remember sitting in our game room upstairs when my phone chimed that special sound. I was playing a video game when it happened, and it changed my life. Back in 2012, I was still working at Dell. In January of that year and without much of a clue about what I was doing, I […]

My Small Business Tech Stack

my small business tech stack hardware software

The hardware and software you choose to power your business tech stack are a big deal. Choose right, and you’re set up for future growth and expansion and scalability. Choose wrong, and, at best, you’re out a bit of money and a few weeks of time and energy. At worst, you’re out thousands of dollars, […]

How $2,081.39 in Software Allows Me to Run My Business From Anywhere

software run my business from anywhere

It wasn’t all that long ago when I got a call from one of my mastermind clients urging me to make some upgrades to my landing page software. Back then, the thought of spending $97 on a WordPress plugin was ludicrous.Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Now, nearly four years later, my business is […]
