While I was working in Corporate America, I wrote the article you’ll find below. It has never been published before today. It has sat, as a draft, since March of 2012, just 3 months after I first began blogging. Now, exactly 3 years and 6 months to the day after I got fired from my […]
You’re too old. You have no new ideas, much less good ones, and everything original is coming from the guys and girls in their twenties and thirties. It’s too late. You waited too long, and it’s now time to pass the torch. Want to listen? There’s an audio version below Everything you just read is […]
The amount of success created is NOT proportional to the amount of opportunity that exists in the world. Today on the Ellory Wells Show, you’ll learn why opportunities are worthless, and what you really need to do to become successful. In this episode you’ll hear about: Why opportunities are worthless Where you can find real […]
People who waste time are some of the biggest cancers we have in our society today. From unnecessary meetings to lunches that last far too long, to the excuse makers who never deliver results. Our time is our most valuable resource, and we’re wasting it every day. We’re our own worst enemies when it comes […]
I hear people tell me all the time, “I just don’t have time to do what I want to do.” Or they say, “I’m too busy to do that,” or, “I forgot.” While forgetting is simply poor time management, “I don’t have enough time” is simply a lie we tell ourselves to justify not following […]
I wanted to do it all. And I still do. However, when I began my leadership blog, I believed that I would be instantly successful. I figured that people would find my blog and immediately become addicted to my flavor of sarcasm and keep coming back for more, bringing their friends in the process. It […]
Time + Effort = You. Who we are is a reflection of what we say, think and do. Most of us spend 40+ hours a week at our jobs so we say we’re a (Blank) employee. Those working with students say they’re teachers or counselors. Parents who don’t work in an office say they’re stay at home moms or dads. We […]