I’m thinking about starting a podcast. A podcast would be a new challenge for me, and one that would help me make a positive impact on an even larger number of people. But I need your help. Before I go down this path, I’d like to ask you if my vision for a podcast would […]
Several months ago, the Texas Lottery was over $600 Million. People were coming from the surrounding states to play in Texas’ biggest jackpot ever. While money isn’t everything, and it certainly can’t buy happiness, it does often make life easier. In today’s What If Wednesday, I wanted to ask, “What if you won the lottery?” […]
Self-doubt is a curse. Self-confidence is a bad word. In today’s culture, phrases like “shameless self-promoter,” and words like “arrogant,” “cocky,” and “know-it-all” taint our vocabulary on a regular basis. Yet, almost every day I come across someone who needs to spit those words out of their mouth, and believe in herself. In today’s What […]
I hear people tell me all the time, “I just don’t have time to do what I want to do.” Or they say, “I’m too busy to do that,” or, “I forgot.” While forgetting is simply poor time management, “I don’t have enough time” is simply a lie we tell ourselves to justify not following […]
In today’s What If Wednesday, I have the honor to introduce you to my wonderful wife, Ashley. Ashley loves taking care of people and has a fascination with science, biology and dance. Though she doesn’t have a blog, she stepped up to the challenge and wrote this excellent article! If you would like to guest […]
What if you had the chance to spend two hours with anyone in history? You could do anything, go anywhere, ask any questions you wanted. What if you could spend two hours with anyone in history? Who would you spend it with and what would you do? If I had my choice, I think I […]
It’s the middle of summer. If you’re in Texas, you know just how hot it can be this time of year. With all of the heat, I thought it would be nice to ask a cool question, “What if you had to eat one thing forever?” If you had to pick one thing to eat, […]
Today’s What If Wednesday asks the question, “What if you asked the question?” There are only two possible answers to a yes or no question. The answer is either “yes” or “no.” The answer could, technically, also be “maybe.” But, with a little effort, “maybe” can sometimes be turned into a “yes.” And, with a […]
Today’s What If We Could features a fantastic TED talk with Mark Rayburn, guitar player and keynote speaker. This is definitely one you do not want to miss! If you’re not familiar with TED, they’re an organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” If you are familiar with TED, you know just how amazing and even […]
In today’s What If Wednesday, I wanted to ask you what you’re holding back from. Most people have something lingering in the back of their minds, something that they’ve always wanted to do, or something they have always wanted to try. But, for some reason, they let fear, doubt, and uncertainty creep in and take […]
Today’s What If Wednesday asks the question, “What if you followed your passion?” Additionally, what if you followed your passion and it turned into a paycheck? Below are a few people that come to mind to provide an example and a starting point to your brainstorming. If you’ve got a little extra time, I’ve also […]
I’ve made quite a few changes to the website this week. From a new coat of paint, to the new engine, I hope you like the changes I’ve made. Along with a bigger engine and the face-lift, I have a new series to introduce that I think could be a lot of fun. Scroll down […]