What If You Followed Your Passion?

What If You Followed Your Passion?

Today's What If Wednesday asks the question, “What if you followed your passion?” Additionally, what if you followed your passion and it turned into a paycheck? Below are a few people that come to mind to provide an example and a starting point to your brainstorming. If you've got a little extra time, I've also included a short Podcast for this pilot of What If Wednesday.

What If Wednesday

Dan Erickson

Dan is a fellow blogger and writer; you can find him at DanErickson.net. I was introduced to Dan through another blog we both read and he and I have similar goals. When I first asked the question, “What if…” in this article, he responded about his passion is for writing. Dan asked himself, “What if my books started selling thousands of copies?” His response? “I'd keep writing!”

Dan's passion, when it leads to success, will allow him to do it even more. I believe that that is one characteristic of a passion, and how a passion is different from a hobby. Passions are things we come back to time and time again, while hobbies come and go.

Barb Miller

Barb has taken a passion for creativity. She makes cards and gift items by hand. Barb has made my wife and me several scrapbooks that are not only unique but look great too! Though she's only just beginning her digital storefront, you should check out some of her work at ExpressionsbyBarb.com.

Barb has taken her passion for crafts, creativity, and personal connection and turned it into a business that lets people design one-of-a-kind gifts.

Me – Ellory Wells

If you're reading this, you're already part of my passion. I love helping people and am fueled by hearing about how I've helped someone grow. The college professor that said she only tried out for the promotion (which she received by the way) because the empowerment she felt by reading my website; or the bright woman I'm coaching who called me her “hero.” I love knowing that I'm making a positive change in the lives of the people around me.

Writing, coaching and helping other people is something that I would love to be able to do full time and help even more people.

Question: But what about you? What is your gift to the world? What if you followed your passion? Leave a comment by clicking here!

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  • Barbara Kemper Miller says:

    Thanks for giving me the nudge (ok, push!) that I needed to actually get started with this adventure. I will get back to my website as soon as I can, but I’m spending a lot of time filling word of mouth orders, not a bad situation to have. Thanks for the mention!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing! I’m just happy you’re spending time doing what you love.

      Make sure you’re taking photos of your work and putting them online to show it off!

  • Barbara Kemper Miller says:

    Thanks for giving me the nudge (ok, push!) that I needed to actually get started with this adventure. I will get back to my website as soon as I can, but I’m spending a lot of time filling word of mouth orders, not a bad situation to have. Thanks for the mention!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing! I’m just happy you’re spending time doing what you love.

      Make sure you’re taking photos of your work and putting them online to show it off!

  • Dan Erickson says:

    Thanks for the mention, Ellory. And I think you’re on the right track, yourself. I’m certain that we all influence more people on our passion journeys than we ever realize. Keep it up!

  • Dan Erickson says:

    Thanks for the mention, Ellory. And I think you’re on the right track, yourself. I’m certain that we all influence more people on our passion journeys than we ever realize. Keep it up!

  • Ashley says:

    Love the new series and the podcast….both great additions!

    And thanks to you and your support I have been able to follow my passion in cardiac sonography and get to do it every day……hardly ever feels like a job!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Thank you! Hopefully the podcast sounded ok; first take and no intro music this time.

      We should all be so lucky as to be able to follow our passion!

  • Ashley says:

    Love the new series and the podcast….both great additions!

    And thanks to you and your support I have been able to follow my passion in cardiac sonography and get to do it every day……hardly ever feels like a job!

    • Ellory Wells says:

      Thank you! Hopefully the podcast sounded ok; first take and no intro music this time.

      We should all be so lucky as to be able to follow our passion!

  • Dan Black says:

    @DanErickson8:disqus is a great man who is doing wonderful things online! He is a great example to follow. My passion is to write and teach about leadership so others become better people and leaders. Looking forward to connecting more Ellory!

  • Dan Black says:

    @DanErickson8:disqus is a great man who is doing wonderful things online! He is a great example to follow. My passion is to write and teach about leadership so others become better people and leaders. Looking forward to connecting more Ellory!

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