How Do I Know What to Blog About?

How Do I Know What to Blog About?

By now, there should be no question that you should have a blog for your business. Blogs boost your sales and credibility, improved SEO, and add personality to your brand.

But if you're not a writer, how do you come up with fresh content? What topics should you write about that will drive sales, bring in new clients, and boost your bottom line?

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What to blog about

Just the other day, I was on the phone with one of my coaching clients who was struggling to get one of his clients going with their blog. His client understood the value of the blog and that it would help them grow their business, but they didn't consider themselves writers and, therefore, didn't know what to do, much less, how to get started.

Every business should have a blog. Here are 3 reasons why.

Not all of the people I work with or who subscribe to my website are bloggers. However, I still feel that content marketing (specifically blogging) is one of the best ways to build an audience, provide massive value to a global audience, and get people into your sales funnel. After all, without my blog, I'd still be stuck in a cubicle, miserable.

So, the question becomes, how do I get started with blogging? The question isn't how to set one up. The question is how to actually sit down at a keyboard and put down words that will convert visitors into buyers onto the screen. The question is, “How do I figure out new topics and what I should blog about?”

How to Convert Your FAQs into Epic Blog Content

Frequently Asked Questions

If you find yourself answering the same question over and over again, the chances are, that type of information would turn into a good blog post. If your clients are asking you those questions, there's a high likelihood that they are also searching Google with the same questions.

Turn Questions into Statements

If you ask the question and then answer it in the form of a statement, you're not only improving your SEO, but you're providing value to the person with the question.

If you take the top ten questions that you get asked the most often, you now have the material for ten (at least) potential new blog posts. Just turn the question into a statement and write out your answer.

Example 1

For example, if you are searching for a wedding photographer, you might ask “how do I find the perfect photographer?” Your blog posted could then be titled, How to Find the Perfect Photographer for Your Wedding.”

Example 2

Another example, if you are a chiropractor, you might get asked, “what do I need to bring to my first appointment with the chiropractor?” Your blog post and response could then be titled “5 Things You Need to Bring to Your First Chiropractic Appointment, and 3 Things You Should Leave at Home.”

Exit Strategy BookYou see how this works?

All I'm doing is coming up with a question that I would have, and then I turned it into a statement. “How do I…” questions become “How to…” statements. You can see how I did this by turning my client's question into a “how to” statement in the subheading for this post. Your expertise and experience should be enough to fill in the rest.

Questions You Think People Should Ask

If your clients and potential clients aren't asking the questions you want them to, lead them down the path yourself. If you have the opportunity to do custom scheduling during the lunch hour, or you're willing to work on the weekends, or you're willing to do house visits, you can turn those questions into blog posts as well.

Using the same examples with a wedding photographer and chiropractor above, let me give you a few examples.

Example 1

If I wanted a chiropractor who did house calls, I might go to Google and search for “chiropractors who do house visits.” Your blog post could be “Why I Chose to Start Doing House Calls.” Or, you can type up a post listing the benefits of having your chiropractor come to you. For example, you could write a crazy post about how you're bringing customer service back and the benefits and conveniences of having a chiropractor come to you.

Example 2

Remembering our wedding from a few years ago, I think back to meeting with our wedding photographers, the DJ, and the other services to get ready for our wedding. Since our wedding was a destination wedding, we had to cram all sorts of meetings into a short weekend, and then do the rest of our research and make our hiring decisions remotely.

If you are a wedding photographer, you could write a blog post titled “How to Get the Best Lighting for Your Wedding Pictures” and include some venues surrounding your business where you love to shoot. If you partner with a DJ and flower company, you could write a post referencing your affiliates or partners about how to have the best wedding on a budget.

Remember, collaboration is often more profitable than competition.

BONUS TIP: Write a post called, “The Ultimate Guide to Destination Weddings.” My wife and I would have read that!

And, of course, don't forget that at the bottom of each of these blog post there's a link or button to schedule a call or consultation with you.

After a potential customer or client has just read the value that you give, you need to provide a call to action to take the next step. If they click or schedule, they just entered your sales funnel.

The “Types of…” Type of Post

Depending on the industry you're in, there may not be just a ton of information surrounding the various options available to consumers. Take fitness as an example. There are dozens, if not hundreds of types of workout programs out there. What makes one better than another?

If you're a personal trainer or own a gym, why not educate your potential customers and list the types of workout programs that are popular right now? And, oh, by the way, we offer these three at our gym.

You could also list the types of workout programs, diets or fitness equipment that provides a specific type of result or that are the best for a specific goal or particular body type.

Want to boost your blog in ? Then check out my free 30 Day Blog Transformation email course!

Consumers want an education. Some of us want to know all the details, others want only to know their options, but we all want to feel like we're making an educated buying decision. If you do the educating, you're likely also to be the one accepting the payment for a new sale.

Want more ideas? Here are 129 blog post ideas you can use to help you get started!

Questions Your Clients are Already Asking

Believe it or not, your potential customers and clients are already asking these types of questions. If you're struggling to come up with blog post ideas, check out Quora, Reddit, and other online communities and forums where people are asking questions and interacting.

Check out this Google search I did for this post:

What to blog about quora

I clicked on that second link where someone had asked a question similar to the one my client asked – “How do I know what to blog about?”

Sites like these can be used to come up with all sorts of ideas. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal buyer, your “avatar,” and help solve their problems. If you need help identifying your avatar and figuring out how you can serve them best, click here to download my Ideal Avatar Worksheet for free!

Over to you: How do you figure out what to blog about? Share your tips below!


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