EP15: How to Maximize Revenue & Profits by Focusing on Value, Not on Price w/ Kirk Bowman (@ArtOfValue)

EP15: How to Maximize Revenue & Profits by Focusing on Value, Not on Price w/ Kirk Bowman (@ArtOfValue)

The 15th episode of the Empowered Podcast features value-selling expert, Kirk Bowman.

Kirk shares with me why it's a waste of time and resources to price by the hour. He'll share how he creates happier customers and increased his sales by focusing on value instead of price.

Kirk's Mission:

To help you create happy customers and make more money.

Kirk Bowman Art of Value

How Kirk defines empowerment:

1. A mindset

2. A plan

If you have a mindset and a plan to go do something you are then empowered to do it.

What Kirk and I talked about:

What is the best way to empower other people?

You empower other people by trying to help them achieve a certain mindset. Then, based on that mindset, they can create a plan for some type of action to reach a specific result.

“I try to ask really great questions. Because great questions provoke thought and provoke ideas…

I try to give someone the ability to look at something like they've never looked at it before.”

What does a typical day look like for you?

It's an interesting time. I'm currently running two businesses; Mighty Data and Art of Value. Typically I get up between 5 and 6 and work out before going to the office. I don't have any meetings until after 11 am so I have time in the morning to focus on what's most important.

Since you decided to face your fears and charge forward, what have you stopped doing?

I've completely stopped watching TV. I've had to become more selective on the things I say yes to.

How do you unwind and relax?

Not very well and not often enough. I have to slow down and get out in nature. I love reading and spending time with my kids.

What was the last movie you saw?

Star Trek: Into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Despicable Me 2

EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Don't be scared to try something new. When you're starting out, that's one of the best times to make mistakes. Experiment.

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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  • Kirk – I really enjoyed listening to your perspective on value – ask the customer what they would like to accomplish, then let them envision what accomplishing this result would make possible in their life. Then the proper value can be assigned.

    The customer gets what they paid for and the service/goods provider is empowered to solve problems, not just make a sale!

  • Kirk – I really enjoyed listening to your perspective on value – ask the customer what they would like to accomplish, then let them envision what accomplishing this result would make possible in their life. Then the proper value can be assigned.

    The customer gets what they paid for and the service/goods provider is empowered to solve problems, not just make a sale!

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