EP18: Becoming a Conscious Millionaire w/ J V Crum III (@JVCrum)

EP18: Becoming a Conscious Millionaire w/ J V Crum III (@JVCrum)

Episode 18 of the Empowered Podcast features author and entrepreneur, JV Crum III.

JV shares his story of rescuing his father's company and building it into a multi-million dollar business. He shares his formula for creating wealth, and gives a special offer for us at the end.

JV's Mission:

To create wealth consciously, and to empower entrepreneurs to create a higher purpose & higher profit for their business that fulfills them and makes an important and positive difference in the world.

JV Crum III, The Conscious Millionaire

How JV defines empowerment:

Empower means connecting with what is the authentic potential within you and owning that you can take that potential and do something with it. It's owning what's possible for you.

What JV and I talked about:

What is the formula you provide for creating wealth?
  1. Be conscious
  2. Focus on the results you want
  3. Only take actions that will move you in that direction
What does a typical day look like for you?

I start with having a purpose for my day: how do I further one of my three goals?

  1. How will I empower my customers and my marketplace?
  2. Financial Goals
  3. Business acceleration (marketing and sales)
What was the last movie you saw?


EPIC Question: What is one tip, or one piece of advice you can give people who are just starting?

Focus on marketing. Marketing has three different ways to achieve an awareness with a prospect.

  1. Build direct traffic to your business or your brand
  2. Develop affiliate marketing for your products so everyone wins
  3. Share your message with more people in more places 

Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Connect with JV!

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